This lineage was constructed by persons working with vital
information held at the Tasmanian Archives; and from Hobart newspaper
marriage and death records
This Lineage Page Last
Updated December 2023
Mr. Richard Shirley of Kilkenny
House, Hobart Tasmania; born about 1817 in Kilkenny Ireland.
Died 14 April 1898 at Hobart Tasmania. This family was Roman
Catholic. He was the son of John
Shirley of Burnchurch, Kilkenny, Ireland
RICHARD; Sex: M; Age: 30; Trial place: Co. Kilkenny; Trial date:
25/07/1850; Crime desc: Unlawfully assembling and injuring property;
Sentence: Transportation 10 yrs; Ship: LORD DALHOUSIE 00/04/1852;
Document ref1: TR 10, p 126; Document ref2: CRF 1852 S 4
1855 December 7 - The Waterford News pg 3 - A conditional
pardon has been granted by the Queen to Mr Richard Shirley of
Kilkenny, transported to Van Diemen's Land
The Mercury (Hobart), 16 Mar 1876. Advertisement: "Notice
to customers. Tomorrow being St Patricks Day, our respective
places of business will be closed. Thos Shirley, draper; Richard
Shirley, grocer and corn dealer; John Shirley, baker; Henry Shirley,
city tea warehouses."
The Mercury (Hobart) 16 April 1898. Deaths: "On April
14, at his residence, " Kilkenny House," Macquarie
- street, Richard Shirley, aged 81 years. The Funeral will leave
his late residence on Sunday Afternoon, 2.30. Rest in peace."

Photo from RealCommercial.com.au property listing for
365 Macquarie Street,
South Hobart, TAS, on August 2022
Added January 2023:
My name is Philip [omitted] and I live at 365 Macquarie Street
South Hobart which is Kilkenny House. My grandparents Willy and
Hilda [ ] moved here back in 1934 and has been the [ ] family
home to 5 generations since then. My father operated a sand and
gravel yard at the rear of the property for many years and i
worked for him in the family business. One day i had a delivery
to make to a T H Shirley of Huon Road, he showed me an old original
photo of our shop and told me it was Richard Shirley standing
at the door, until then i hadn't heard of Kilkenny House. A couple
of weeks later he dropped a copy of the original photo in and
gave it to me. I was very grateful and over the moon to have
a photo of our old shop that was back in the 1880s. I supplied
a copy of the photo for the book beneath the mountain which was
published a few years back and up until then it wasn't in circulation
but i'm glad every one can see it now. Ive read the Shirley Association
story about Richard Shirley, the house, tea rooms and bakery
and that he had died here. One of the upper bedrooms has a presence
in it as two of my daughters a granddaughter and my sister in
law have all experienced a presence in that room and refuse to
sleep in it. (Editor: Is the photo taken
earlier than 1880s? Richard Shirley was born about 1817-20, so
would have been age 60 in 1880. The man in the photo looks much
married Honoria Corr in co Kilkenny Ireland; She died
15 April 1912 at Hobart Tasmania; buried at Cornelian Bay Cem.
The Mercury (Hobart) DEATHS. SHIRLEY.- "On April 15,
1912, at her son-in-law's residence, No. 53 Anglesea-street,
S. H. Honoria, relict of the late Richard Shirley, in the 85th
year of her age. R.I.P. Funeral will leave the above address
for Cornelian Bay Cemetery, at 2.30 Tomorrow"
1(i). Henry Shirley baptised June 1847 at Danesfort
Catholic Church, co Kilkenny Ireland, son of Richard Shirley
and Onny Corr; He was a civil servant; identified as "an
Irish father"; He signed as bailiff in the Court of Requests
in Hobart; He lived at 22 (or 26 or 28) Byron Street in Hobart
in 1903 and 1917. He died 25 March 1924, age 76
1847 June (obliterated, betw 6th-16th) Danesfort Catholic
Church - Baptism of Henry Shirley, son of Richard Shirley and
Onny Corr, Sponsors: Henry Sherly, Mary Corr; Residence: Burnchurch
9 Oct 1876 Documents in cases of bankruptcy: Description:
Henry Shirley Item Number: SC84/1/40 Archives and Manuscripts
13 May 1903. The Mercury (Hobart) FOR SALE BY TENDER.-Lot
1. That old-established business premises known as Kilkenny House,
Macquarie-street, consisting of Shop and 7 rooms, Bakehouse,
Stable, Workshop, Sheds, and largo piece of land extending to
rivulet, about 386ft. S.W., about 333ft. NE; house and shop lately
roofed with iron. Lot 2.-Two Cottages adjoining Lot 1, Nos. 249
and 251, always let to good tenants. Present rent, 7s. and 9s.
per week. Depth of land, about 331ft. S.W., 299ft. N.E. A splendid
position for woollen or other large factory. The two lots, 102ft.
frontage on Macquarie-street. Title, Correct. Reference-Messrs.
Walker, Woifhagen and Walch. Tenders will be received up to May
21st, 1903, by Henry Shirley, 22 Byron-street, Hobart. The highest
or any tender not necessarily accepted. If required, a portion
of purchase money may remain, at 4 per cent.
26 Sep 1906 The Mercury (Hobart). HOUSE BREAKING. The residence
of Mr. Henry Shirley, Byron-street, was entered by thieves on
Monday night during the absence of tho inmates, and a small quantity
of cash and some jewellery were stolen. Entrance was gained by
unlatching a window.
26 Mar 1924 The Mercury (Hobart) DEATHS: SHIRLEY. - On
March 25, 1924, at his residence, Kincora, 28 Byron-street, Hobart,
Henry, relict of the late Sarah Shirley, in the 76th year of
his age. Requiescat in Pace.
married Sarah Ann Morton on 23 April 1873, only daughter
of William Morton of Liverpool Street, Hobart; She died prior
to her husband's death in 1924.
17 May 1873 The Mercury (Hobart) "On Wednesday 23rd
April at St Mary's Cathedral by the Rev D.F.X. Beechinor, Henry,
the second son of Mr Richard Shirley, Kilkenny House, to Sarah
Ann, only daughter of Mr William Morton of Liverpool Street."
2(i). Richard Henry Shirley b. 18 Jan 1874 Hobart,
Tasmania, Australia; he was buried at Cornelian Bay Cem. on 29
March 1886, age 12.
2(ii). Mary Frances Shirley b. 20 Dec 1875 Hobart,
Tasmania, Australia
2(iii). Kathleen Theresa Shirley b 6 Sep 1877 at Hobart
Tasmania; She died 29 April 1918, age 41
1 May 1918, The Mercury (Hobart) DEATHS: SHIRLEY.-On 29th
April, 1918 (suddenly). Kathleen Teresia, the second dearly loved
daughter of Henry and Sarah Shirley, of Kincora, Byron-street,
Hobart. RIP.
2(iv). William Morton Shirley born 15 Oct 1879 at Hobart
2(v). Bernard Ambrose Shirley born about 1882; He was
a private in the 3rd Pioneer Batallion in WWI, embarked Melbourne
on 21 Nov 1917 on HMAT Nestor; He enlisted 3 Sept 1917; His embarkation
papers name his wife Annie Hope Shirley. He was age 32, a Roman
Catholic, a clerk by occupation, and home address was 83 Charles
St, Prahran, Victoria. He was buried on 13 Nov 1976 at Cornelian
Bay Cem., age 85

Bernard Shirley in 1963
(thanks to Catherine for sending)
8 Jan 1908 Bernard A Shirley to Annie H Mulrennan - Index
to Marriage Notices in The Mercury, 1854-1962
22 January 1919. The Mercury (Hobart) TASMANIA. Mr Henry
Shirley of 26 Byron Street has received official advice from
the Base Records Office, Melbourne that his two sons, Corporal
Cyril C Shirley of the 12th battalion and Private Bernard Shirley
of the 60th battalion will probably arrive next week. One embarked
from England by the troopship [ ] and the other by the transport
[ ]. The former has been three years and six months on active
service. Corporal Shirley has been wounded three times and the
other once.
2(vi). Agatha Shirley born about 1882, died an infant
in 1882
2(vii). Gerald Ignatius Shirley born about 1884 buried
30 Oct 1885, age 1
2(viii). Henry
Raymond Shirley born on 31 August 1886 in Hobart -
christened as Arthur Shirley; He died 24 Nov 1967 at Rose
Bay. Buried at Waverley Cem..
4 Sept 1937. The Western Australian (Perth) MAN WITH TWO
WIVES. Petition to Divorce the First. SYDNEY, Sept. 3.--In the
Divorce Court today, Mr. Justice Boyce granted a decree nisi
to Arthur Raymond Shirley, actor and motion picture producer,
for a divorce from Ellen Newcomb Shirley (formerly Hall) -on
the ground of desertion. The petitioner stated that in 1924,
in Hollywood. believing that his wife whom he had not seen for
many years was dead, he went through the form of marriage with
a woman named Frances Clayton, who was now in America and who
desired to come to sydney to live with him. After his marriage
to Miss Clayton he returned to Sydney and then discovered that
his wife was still alive. After his first marriage in 1913, petitioner
continued, he and his, wife went to Hollywood. They returned
to Australia in 1920 and his wife, who had a very good voice
and wanted to be a professional singer, went to New Zealand against
his wishes and conducted a studio there under the name of Madame
Eleanor Hall. In 1925 he produced in Sydney the film "The
Mystery of a Hansom Cab." Subsequently he went to Hollywood,
where he met Miss Clayton, whose earlier marriage had been annulled
because her husband was found to have a wife who was still living.
When detailing the steps he took before his marriage to Miss
Clayton, petitioner stated that in Los Angeles it was necessary
to be a resident for 12 months before marriage and three months'
notice of intention to marry had to be given. Persons desiring
a speedier marriage went to Mexico for the ceremony. His Honour
said that he found disertion proved but referred the papers to
the Crown Solicitor because the solicitor for the respondent,
who resides in Victoria, stated that his client was not defending
the suit on the ground of ex pense. His Honour added that the
legal proceedings in California also deserved further investigation.
Email 2012 - Hi my name is Peter xxxxx and I am the grandson
of Arthur Shirley the Austalian actor who was born in Hobart
and went on to act in Hollywood. I would be interested in joining
the association. I am trying to find information on my grandfathers
films in Hollywood sadly none seem to have survived in Australia.
It was a great find to know that the assosciation existed. Look
forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, Peter xxxxxx ps my
father Arthur junior took his mothers name when Arthur Shirley
divorced- he never remarried but I have always considered myself
to be a Shirley
2(ix). Julien Vincent Shirley born about 1888; he was
buied on 10 Aug 1972 at Cornelian Bay Cem., age 84.
2(x). Cyril Corr Shirley born about 1890; He was buried
on 18 Jan 1963 at Cornelian Bay Cem. age 72
19 August 1916 The Mercury (Hobart) TASMANIAN CASUALTIES.
Mr. Henry Shirley, of Byron-street, Hobart, has received information
that his son, Cyril C. Shirley, has been wounded in France.
21 Feb 1917 The Mercury (Hobart) Mr. Harry Shirley, of
Byron Street, has received information from the Base Records
Office that his son, Private C. C. Shirley, has been wounded,
second occasion, and is now in the Third Australian General Hospital.
22 January 1919. The Mercury (Hobart) TASMANIA. Mr Henry
Shirley of 26 Byron Street has received official advice from
the Base Records Office, Melbourne that his two sons, Corporal
Cyril C Shirley of the 12th battalion and Private Bernard Shirley
of the 60th battalion will probably arrive next week. One embarked
from England by the troopship [ ] and the other by the transport
[ ]. The former has been three years and six months on active
service. Corporal Shirley has been wounded three times and the
other once.
2(xi). Mary Mildred Shirley born about 1892; She married
William Hill in 1925

William and Mildred Shirley Hill wedding 1925
(thanks to Catherine for sending)
2(xii). Cecelia Mary Shirley born about 1894; never
Burial: Shirley, Cecilia Mary 79 Burial 16-Sep-1974 at
Sandy Bay
2(xiii). Nora Madeline Shirley born about 1898

Nora Shirley
(thanks to Catherine for sending)
1(ii). Thomas Shirley he was baptised on 31 ?October
1849 at Danefort Catholic Parish, Kilkenny Ireland to Richard
Shirley and Onny Corr
1849 ?Oct 31 Danesfort Catholic Church - Baptism of Thomas
Shirley, son of Richard Shirley and Onny Corr; Sponsors: Thomas
Murphy, Maria Shirley; Residence Burnchurch
The Mercury (Hobart) 25 Feb 1873 "At St. Mary's Cathedral,
on the 20th February, by the Rev. D. F. X. Beechinor, Thomas,
third son of Mr. Richard Shirley of Macquarie-street, to Eliza,
youngest daughter ot Mr. Thomas Weare, Liverpool Street"
28-29 Aug 1877 Description: Booklets c1857-1899 Mr Thomas
Shirley, Leinster House, Liverpool Street, Hobart-Stock-in-Trade-Clothing,
Haberdashery etc (2 copies). Item Number: NS1885/1/13 Archives
and Manuscripts
married Eliza Weare, daughter of Thomas Weare
children: (source online pedigree)
2(i). Herbert Joseph Shirley born 2 March 1876 at Hobart
1 Jan 1924 Documents in cases of bankruptcy: Description:
Herbert Joseph Shirley 18/1924 tem Number: SC84/1/911 Archives
and Manuscripts
2(ii). Mary Ida Shirley born 25 Jan 1878 at Hobart
Tasmania; she was buried at Cornelian Bay Cem. on 29 Oct 1896,
age 18.
2(iii). Thomas Reginald Shirley born about 1881;
he was buried at Cornelian Bay Cem. on 23 Apr 1959, age 78
26 Jul 1905 Thomas Reginald Shirley to Catherine Mary (Kate)
Cook - Index to Marriage Notices in The Mercury, 1854-1962
1(iii). Emma Shirley
The Mercury (Hobart) 30 Nov 1883. "On November 21,
at St. Joseph's Church by the Rev Dean Woods, William Moore,
eldest, son of Samuel Moore, Waterworks, to Emma Shirley, eldest
daughter of Richard Shirley, Macqnarie street, Hobart. Both of
this city"
1(iv). Maria Shirley baptised 9 March 1851 at Danesfort
Catholic Parish, Kilkenny Ireland to Richard Shirley and Onny
1851 March 9 Danesfort Catholic Church - Baptism of Maria
Shirley, daughter of Richard Shirley and Onny Corr; Sponsors:
Bridget Corr; Residence B[illeg]
1(iv). Mary Ann Shirley born 12 Nov 1860 at Hobart
Tasmania (twin)
1(v). James William (Joseph) Shirley born 12 Nov 1860
at Hobart Tasmania (twin)
The Mercury (Hobart) 20 Mar 1886. Marriages SHIRLEY-SHIRLEY.--"On
Wednesday, March 3, at St. Joseph's R.C. Church, Hobart, by the
Rev. M. W. Gilloran, James, fourth son of R. Shirley, Kilkenny
House, Hobart, to Jennie, third daughter of James Shirley, Esq.,
Garnaman House, County Kikenny, Ireland."
married Jennie (Jane) Shirley, third daughter of James
Shirley, esq of Garnaman House in Kilkenny Ireland
2(i). Henry Joseph Shirley born 14 March 1889
at Hobart Tasmania, son of James William Shirley grocer of Macquarie
Street and wife Jennette Shirley (nee Shirley)
2(ii). Richard Francis Shirley born 17 January 1887
at Hobart Tasmania, son of James Joseph (sic) Shirley grocer
of Macquarie Street and wife Janet Shirley (nee Shirley)
2(iii). James Thomas Shirley born 24 December 1887
at Hobart Tasmania, son of James Joseph (sic) Shirley grocer
of 353 Macquarie Street and wife Jennie Shirley (nee Shirley)
2(iv). Mary Elizabeth Shirley born 19 May 1890 at Hobart
Tasmania, daughter of James Joseph (sic) Shirley grocer of Macquarie
Street and wife Jennette Shirley (nee Shirley); She is likely
the Mary Shirley who appeared in the 1901 (age 13) and 1911 (age
22) census household of her grandmother Eliza Shirley of Garrynaman
Kells, Kilkenny Ireland; "grandaughter" (in 1911 census,
born 'Adelaide' sic)
1(vi). Anna Shirley born 14 July 1862 at Hobart; She
was buried on 12 Oct 1936 at Cornelian Bay Cem., age 73.
The Mercury (Hobart) 22 March 1899. Marriages. SHIRLEY
- SHIRLEY.- "On February 13. at St. Joseph's Church (Nuptial
Mass), by the Rev. T. Kelsh, Harry, third son of the late James
Shirley, Garnaman, Kilkenny, Ireland, to Anna, youngest daughter
of the late Richard Shirley, Hobart."
SHIRLEY Anna Maria 73 Burial 12-Oct-1936 SOUTH HOBART
married Henry Patrick Shirley, third son of James
Shirley of Garnaman House, Kilkenny Ireland. He was
a grocer, then later a builder; He died in 1921 when his estate
began to be mentioned in the Mercury newspaper.
Email (date?): "My grandfather's father [Henry Patrick
Shirley] was a shop owner (Killkenny House) and later became
a builder and was self taught and very talented. He had a friendship
with a man named Haughton Forrest. Haughton was an artist and
today his works are in the tens of thousands dollars. Both Haughton
and my grandfather's father fell on hard times, I know that my
grandfather's father had financial troubles due to people not
paying for his building services and worried so much so that
his death was put down to stress. Haughton taught my grandfather's
father to paint, my grandfather had several of Haughton's paintings
at the time of his death in 1982."
Email from a different grandchild in 2014: "I am the
son of Cecil Shirley and the grandson of Henry Patrick Shirley
of Garrynaman House [also known as Garnaman House] Kells, Kilkenny.
I visited Garnaman House in 1992 and had a long talk with Mrs.
Mary Shirley [ widow of James Shirley] and confirmed data about
my grandfather Henry Patrick born at Garnaman. Henry Patrick
Shirley emigrated from Ireland to Tasmania and on his arrival
in Hobart stayed with his uncle Richard Shirley late of Burnchurch.
Henry fell in love with Richard's daughter Ann [his cousin].
I knew Ann [my grandmother] rather as Anna Maria than Ann. They
married I believe at St Joseph's Church Hobart ,1899?"
2(i). Terence Henry Shirley born 29 Sept 1899 at Macquarie
St, father was a grocer; he was buried at Cornelian Bay Cem.
on 20 May 1984, age 84
married Molly Cox
3(i). John Esmond Shirley
3(ii). Anne Shirley
2(ii). Esmond Henry Shirley (Harry) born on 24 June
1901; He was a carpenter and was killed in an accident while
working on the Sidney Harbor Bridge on 12 August 1928, age 27.
On June 24, 1901, at "Kilkenny House," Macquarie
Street, the wife of Harry P. Shirley: a son." - The Mercury
The Advertiser (Adelaide newspaper) Thursday 9 August 1928.
INJURED. Sydney, August 8. With a crash a 100-ton timber structure
of giant timber beams collapsed at the northern approach to the
harbor bridge this morning. injuring five men, two of of them
seriously. The injured men were on top of the structure, which
was portion of that supporting a mammoth concrete arch, and crashed
45 feet amid the falling beams. One man was pinned by a 15 by
15 inch plank 30 feet long. The breaking oi a guy rope during
the removal of a structure caused the accident, which occurred
before traffic through the arch way became heavy. There were
many narrow escapes. The injured men were: Mr. Harry Shirley
(27), carpenter: probable fracture of the skull and internal
injuries; condition serious. Mr. Herbert Marson (48), rigger;
probable fracture of both ankles. Mr. Harry Madsen (38), carpenter;
fractured right leg and concussion. Mr. Frederick Agnew (21),
laborer: injuries to his neck and slight concussion. Mr. Albert
Colman (26). laborer; severe wound over the right eye and concussion-
1 The accident will have no effect on the safeness of the arch,
for it no longer needed the supporting structure.
2(iii). Gerald Wilfred Shirley born 28 July 1902; He
died at Hobart. Buried at Cornelian Bay Cem on 5 June 1989, age
SHIRLEY Gerald Wilfred 86 Burial 5-Jun-1989 TAROONA
married Una Sargent. She died prior to 1987
(no children)
2(iv). Cecil Casimir Shirley born on 2 February 1904
at Hobart. He died 7 February 1971 at Hobart.
married Valmai Annie Nicholson on 5 October 1928..
She was born in 1908 and died at Hobart in March 1981.
5 Oct 1928 Cecil C Shirley to Valma Nicholson - Index to
Marriage Notices in The Mercury, 1854-1962
3(i). Desmond Brian Shirley
3(ii). Paul Wayne Shirley
2(v). Eustace Raymond Shirley born 10 April 1906; He
was buried at Cornelian Bay Cem on 2 August 1982, age 76 (see
emails at bottom of page for more information)
SHIRLEY Eustace Raymond 76 Cremation 2-Aug-1982 SOUTH HOBART
married Jean Hamilton. She died in January 1986
(No children)
Who is this?
A John Shirley placed an advertisement in The Mercury (Hobart)
on 2 Aug 1872 announding "New Bakery, John Shirley; Fancy
Bread and Biscuit Baker; Kilkenny House; 205 Macquarie Street"
John Shirley
married Mary Ann White
Richard Julian Shirley born 18 Jan 1874 at Hobart Tasmania
Emma Shirley
birth: 30 Aug 1852
parents: Thomas Shirley, Charlotte Ashwood
Anna Maria Shirley
birth: 14 Jul 1862
parents: Richard Shirley, Honoria Carr
Mary Ann Shirley
birth: 12 Nov 1860
parents: Richard Shirley, Honora Corr
James Shirley
birth: 12 Nov 1860
parents: Richard Shirley, Honora Corr
Frances Mary Shirley
birth: 20 Dec 1875
parents: Henry Shirley, Sarah Ann Morton
Herbert Joseph Shirley
birth: 02 Mar 1876
parents: Thomas Shirley, Eliza Weare
Richard Henry Shirley
birth: 18 Jan 1874
parents: Henry Shirley, Sarah Ann Morton
Richard Julian Shirley
birth: 03 Aug 1875
parents: John Shirley, Mary Ann White
Mary Ida Shirley
birth: 25 Jan 1878
parents: Thomas Shirley, Eliza Weare
Theresa Kathleen Shirley
birth: 06 Sep 1877
parents: Henry Shirley, Sarah Ann Morton
William Morton Shirley
birth: 15 Oct 1879
parents: Henry Shirley, Sarah Ann Morton
2019 - Thanks to Felicity for the much
improved transcription of this newspaper article (Note:
numerous hyphenated words are from the original and indicate
where sentences broke across the very narrow page column)
10 Oct 1906 The Mercury (Hobart) Breaking and Entering.
- Henry Bradley, who said his name was Brown, and Thomas
Dawson were charged with breaking and entering tho dwelling-
house of Henry Shirley, Byron-street, on Septembet 24, and
stealing there- from a quantity of jewellery, two medals, a cash-box,
and papers, of the total value of £5. The accused were
not represented by counsel. Kathleen Theresa Shirley, daughter
of Henry Shirley, deposed that on September 24 she left her home
at 7.30 p.m., being the last to do so. Before leaving she secured
the windows and doors. Be- tween that hour and about 11.20 p.m.
the house was broken into. Cross-ex- amined: Had not seen the
accused about there. Vincent Shirley deposed that he left home
on September 24 at 7p.m., and returned shortly after 11 o'clock.
Found the back door had been unbolted from the inside, the gas,
burn- ing in the kitchen, the rooms ransack- ed, and the front
window broken near the catch, sufficient to admit a mans
hand. The window was Raised. Cross- examined: Saw no one about
the house that night. Henry Shirley de- posed that he resided
at 22 Byron- street. On September 24 left home at 6.40 p.m.,
and returned at 11.30. Found the house in confusion, and the
Sandy Bay police in charge. The contents of drawers in two bedrooms
were on the bed and floor. Some of the drawers had been forced
open. The front bedroom window was broken above the catch, and
the window open, and there was blood on the curtain. A cash-box,
two Forester medals, a watch, about 46s. in cash, greenstone
brooch, studs, gold cross, American gold coin, and other articles
were stolen; the value of the articles stolen, exclusive of the
cash, was about £4 or £5. The witness identified
cer- tain of the articles produced as his property, but would
not swear positive- ly as to certain others, though they were
similar. Cross-examined: Had not seen Dawson before, but saw
Brown at the Exhibition Building on the after- noon of September
24. He was seek- ing Mrs. Shirley to sell some paper flowers.
Miss Shirley, re-called, identi- field certain of the property
produced as stolen from her fathers house. Cross- examined:
Could swear to the pencil- case, even though it were placed amongst
similar ones, but there was
no particular mark on it. John Levy, second-hand dealer, deposed
that on September 25 a young man, whom he believed to be the
accused Dawson, sold him a broken gold watch-case. The man said
be was hard up, and asked for 15s. Witness gave him 5s., with
the promise of more when he ascertain- ed its value. The case
produced was the same. The man, who said he was a stranger, gave
the name of C. Shir- ley, and his address as the Carlton Club
Hotel. Witness did not have the case 15 minutes before Detective
Gun-ner called, and he handed it to him. Cross-examined: Would
not swear positively that Dawson was the man who sold him the
watch-case. To the Bench: The man did not call for the promised
balance. Roy William Kirk, 14, residing in Quayle-street, gave
evi-dence as to finding the stolen cash-box in Mr. Chestermans
paddock on the morning of September 25. Jonathan Walton, residing
at 25 Patrick-Street, stated that he let a room to the accus-
ed, and they had been staying at his house for four months up
to Septem- ber 25. He knew thoem by the names of Henry Brown
and Thomas Dawson. They used to make and sell artificial flowers.
Dawson left his house finally at 7.20 p.m. on September 25, and
Brown 20 minutes later. The accus-
ed used to occupy the same bed. Brown when leaving was carrying
a dress bas- ket. The accused used it for carry- ing artificial
flowers. They did not tell him where they were going, and had
not settled up with him. Believed Brown told witnesss wife
they would be back. The detectives visited the house on the norning
of September 26, and demanded entrance to the room which had
been occupied by the accused. Between the time the ac- cused
left and the visit of the detectives the room had been locked
up, and no one had had access to it. The detectives removed several
articles, also a blood-stained handkerchief. The witness identified
the articles produced as the same found by the detectives in
the accuseds room. The accused had two clocks in their
room. To the Bench: The room occupied by the ac- cused was locked
at Browns request im- mediately he left, and was not opened
until the detectives came. To Sub-In- spector Weston: The accused
were out on the evening of September 24. Brown
returned at 10 oclock, and Dawson a quarter of an hour
after midnight. Sarah Walton, wife of the previous witness, corroborated
his evidence in certain particulars. Brown, on leav- ing on September
25, said he was going to Ross, and might be back in a few
days. He asked her to lock the room to keep Dawson out. She did
so at once, and it was not reopened until Detectives Gunner and
Oakes called on the following morning. On Septem- ber 24 the
accused went out after tea. Brown returned it 10 oclock,
and Daw- son shortly after midnight. After the detectives
search on September 26, witness found the two medals produced
secreted in the accuseds bed. Cross- examined: Did not
hear Brown in his room about 8 oclock that evening; did
not tell him she did. Isabella Allen, re siding with her husband
at Ross, de- posed that the accused Brown was known to her as
John Bradley-that
was his proper name. He was a con- nection of hers. He came to
her at Ross on the morning of September 26. He said he had been
making paper flowers in Hobart for a living, not be- ing able
to get any other kind of work. He said he came from Victoria
about four months previously. Bradley gave her a gold cross for
a birthday present, and she handed it to her husband. The cross
produced was the same. Dawson arrived later in the day, and asked
for Bradley. The accused were arrested at her house the same
day by Trooper Butler. The cross was handed to the police. Bradley
said he was staying at the hotel at Ross, and Dawson said
he had a friend there. She saw in Dawsons possession an
American gold coin similar to the one produced. Brad- ley told
her he had a hand-bag, and had hurt his leg carrying it. To the
Bench: Had not seen Bradley for 16 or 17 years previously. He
came to
her last month and introduced himself as her uncle. She told
him it was her birthday, and it was then that he gave her the
gold cross. William Allen, hus- band of the previous witness,
corrobo- rated his wife in certain particulars. Trooper Butler
stationed at Ross, de- posed to arresting the accused on Sep-
tember 26 on the charge of robbery from Mr. Shirleys. Both
denied know- ledge of the occurrence. Brown said his name was
Bradley. Took the ac- cused to the hotel at Ross to got their
property. They claimed several arti- cles, which witness enumerated.
He asked them whose was the dress basket (produced). They both
denied owning
it. The hotelkeepers son, in the ac- cuseds' presence and
hearing, said, as far as he knew, the basket was theirs. Witness
then took possession of the basket, and took the acoused to the
lock-up. In the basket witness found a handkerchief full of jewellery;
amongst it was an American gold coin, a brooch, a silver pencil-case,
and other articles produced. William Allen handed the witness
the gold cross pro- ducked. Amongst the linen in the bas- ket
wero some collars with "H. Brown" and Dawson"
stamped on them. Those produced were the same. Detective Gunner
deposed that, in consequence of a report made to him, he visited
Shirley's residence at 1 a.m. on the 25th inst., and found evidence
of the house having been broken into. The glass above the catch
on the front win- dow was broken; there were blood- stains on
the window curtain and floor. In company with Detective Oakes,
searched the accuseds' room at a house in Patrick-street on the
26th, and re- covered two blood-stained handker- chiefs with
the name "H. Brown" on them. On the 27th ult., in company
with Detective Oakes, examined the accuseds' fingers, and found
that both of them had cuts on them. Produced a gold watch-case
which he obtained from John Levy, second-hand dealer, and certain
articles handed him by the witness Jonathan Walton. On Septem-
ber 28 both of the accused asked to be supplied with a shirt
and collar from the dress basket which Trooper Butler took possession
of at Ross. De- tective Oakes deposed that Dawson made a voluntary
statement that he purchased the jewellery which was found in
the dress basket from a man in Hobart. Witness asked him if he
could produce the man, and he said "No." Cross-examined
: Brown said he got his fingers cut with the wire in making flowers.
That was the case for the prosecution. The accused re- served
their defence. The magistrate said he would reserve decision
until he
heard the two other charges which were pending. The accused were
then charged with breaking and entering the dwelling-house of
George Pollard at Hobart on September 23, and stealing therefrom
a quantity of jewellery valu- ed at £10. On the application
of Sub- Inspector Weston, the accused were remanded until next
EMAIL APRIL 2013 - Hi Ken, thank you so much for the reply.
As I said I don't know much about the family of Raymond Eustace
Shirley (or could have been Eustace Raymond) except he married
my grandmother Jean Hamilton. He was my father's step father
when dad was only young (maybe around 10 or so)......He asked
me a couple of weeks ago to drive him around the south Hobart
area and showed me several houses that were built by Raymonds
father. I then passed Kilkenny house and that is when dad told
me it was the home of Raymond's father, apparently he was born
there. I know Raymond is not the actor you speak about. All I
know for certain is that Raymond had a brother Gerald and I knew
him well, Gerald married Una (who died quite young I believe
and I did not know her). He died in 1986 (I think) and lived
in Taroona. There were 2 other brothers I know of, one Terence
(has a son Paul Shirley, who had a band in the 1960's and later
managed TVT channel 6 in Hobart [Editor:
Paul was the son of another brother Cecil C Shirley - see lineage
above]) Raymond told me that he was Paul's uncle. The
other brother I don't know the name of but he fell to his death
while working on the Sydney Harbour bridge. I have his tool box
that was sent back to Hobart and ended up with Raymond. It is
rather large and made from birds eye Huon pine. I use it for
blanket storage. Although not blood related, fate has connected
me to the family and I loved my step grandfather as much as if
he were my biological grandfather and I have often wondered about
his life and his family. The photo I found has Raymond and Terence
with Gerald and his wife Una at their wedding and is a large
studio print. I believe the actor you speak about may have been
Raymond's uncle or great uncle?..... Raymonds father built several
houses in South Hobart. I have a vague memory as a child of meeting
Raymond's brother Terence and I also think I remember the name
Richard somewhere.....Best wishes, Julie
Hello Ken, I had a conversation last night with my father
about Raymond. This much I know for certain, he was born on the
10th April 1906. His brother who fell from Sydney Harbour bridge
is definitely the one you sent me the info on (he died a few
days after falling), his name was Esmond Harry but called Harry
and born around 1901,after Terence. Gerald was born about 1903
and then my grandfather the last child. My grandfather's father
was named Henry and dad believes the mother's name was Anna,
The names Henry and Anna (no surname) are in a small hymn book
that belonged to my grandfather. My father never knew Esmond
(dad was only a baby at the time) but knew the other 2 brothers,
Gerald Wilfred and Terence Henry (Henry after his father). Gerald
and Terence both died after my grandfather, (he died on 29th
July 1982 and was cremated on the 2nd August). My grandmother
had a visit from Terence's wife after the funeral of my grandfather.....
I do not remember seeing any of the Shirley family at my grandfathers
funeral except for Gerald. Terence was 84 and died in May 1984
and was cremated on the 29th May. He obviously (given his age)
was born after May 1899 or in 1900. Gerald died in 1989, dad
also went to his funeral on the 5th June 1989. They are both
buried at Cornelian Bay cemetery in Hobart...along with many
other Shirley's. My grandfather's father was a shop owner (Killkenny
House) and later became a builder and was self taught and very
talented. He had a friendship with a man named Haughton Forrest
(have a look at his website). Haughton was an artist and today
his works are in the tens of thousands dollars. Both Haughton
and my grandfather's father fell on hard times, I know that my
grandfather's father had financial troubles due to people not
paying for his building services and worried so much so that
his death was put down to stress. Haughton taught my grandfather's
father to paint, my grandfather had several of Haughton's paintings
at the time of his death in 1982. My father remembers as a child
going to Killkenny House (which is now an antique shop) and is
adamant that this was where Raymond's father lived and where
Raymond was born. Dad also told me that everything (including
Killkenny House) belonged to Mrs. Shirley. I have 2 daughters
both married with children. I want to be able to tell my grandchildren
about Raymond and what a wonderful grandfather he was to me and
my siblings, I don't need to delve deep into the family history
but just wanted to know enough to let my grandchildren know who
he was and where he came from.
This entry has one or two factual errors. I know because Eustace
Raymond Shirley was my uncle.
The correct family tree for this branch of the Shirleys is
as follows:
Henry Patrick Shirley married Anna Maria Shirley[ his cousin]
. They had five sons:
Terence Henry married Molly Cox and had two children John and
Esmond Corr unmarried killed constructing Sydney Harbour Bridge
Gerald Wifred married Una Sargent no issue
Cecil Casimir married Valmai Nicholson[ my father] two sons Desmond
and Paul , Desmond two children
Michael and Anne plus three grandchildren. Paul no issue.
Eustace Raymond married Jean Hamilton. No issue.
My brother Paul did have a show band as a sideline. His occupation
was as Managing Director of Radio 7HO.
I retired some 25 years ago as the first Tasmanian Director of
Local Government. - Desmond Shirley
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