Shirleys of Presteign and
Stockton, Herefordshire
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Much of the following lineage was composed by Douglas Richardson with the assistance of the Shirley Association

This family is clearly related to the Shurley family of Isfield Sussex who also originated in Prestign Herefordshire. There is also another Hugh Shirley Sr appearing in Herefordshire records during this period, possibly another relative.

John Shyrley of Presthend [Presteigne] Herefordshire. died about 1442.

42/25 - John Shyrley of Prestende Exec: Agnes his Relict.: at Eardisland 6 Nov 1442 - Register of John Dylewe, Commissary General 1442-1443 - Leominster Deanery; Calendar of Probate and Administration Acts 1407 - 1550 in the Consistory Court of the Bishops of Hereford; M.A. Faraday, ed. .

72/20 Agnes Shurleth (p 22: Shurley) of Presthende Exec: Hugh her son (1475/6 p 29: junior); at Pembridge 3 Nov 1472 Register of John Bayly Commissary General 1472-1473- Leominster Deanery Calendar of Probate and Administration Acts 1407 - 1550 in the Consistory Court of the Bishops of Hereford; M.A. Faraday, ed. .

married Agnes ______


1(i). Hugh Shirley, Esq., of Stockton (in Kimbolton Parish, near Leominster), co. Hereford, Burgess for Leominster, 1491–2, They had three sons, John Shirley, gent., Richard, and Thomas, and one daughter, Joyce. Hugh Shirley, Esq., died 1499. His widow, Anne, died 17 Sep. 1510.(her Inq PM 20 October 1511)

6 Nov 1499 Register of Richard Judde, commissary General 1499-1500 -Leominster Deanery - 99/29 Hugh Shorley of Leominster; Exec Anne his relict; at Pembridge Calendar of Probate and Administration Acts 1407 - 1550 in the Consistory Court of the Bishops of Hereford; M.A. Faraday, ed. .

J. Nichols, Hist. & Antiqs. of Leicestershire 3 Pt. 2 (1804): *715–*717 (Shirley pedigree: "Hugh [Shirley], of Stockton, in Herefordshire."). E.P. Shirley, Stemmata Shirleiana (1873): 39, 54, 408. R. Tresswell, Vis. of Shropshire 1623 (H.S.P. 28) (1889): 81–84 (Broughton pedigree: "Anne [Heuin] vxor Hughe Sherley (Shurley).") (Hevin arms: Azure, three boars' heads couped [or?] between nine cross-crosslets fitchée or [?argent]). List of Early Chancery Procs. 4 (PRO Lists and Indexes 29) (1908): 383. J.C. Wedgwood, Hist. of Parliament 1 (1936): 765 (biog. of Hugh Shirley) [suggests Hugh might be son of Hugh Shirley (died 1480), M.P. Leominster]. TAG 52 (1976): 216–217. Will of Richard Shirley of Ware, co. Hertford proved in 1510 [PCC, 29 Bennett].

married Anne Hevyn (or Heaven), daughter and co-heiress of John Hevyn, of Hevyn (in Dilwyn), co. Hereford, and Cleobury, co. Salop, by Isabel, daughter and co-heiress of Thomas Downton.

1511 October 20 (3 Henry VIII) Inquisition Post Mortem of Anne Shirley of Hereford - C 142/78/80


2(i). John Shirley, gentleman, of Enfield Chase, Middlesex, son and heir. They had two daughters, Joyce and Anne. John Shirley, gent., left a will dated 31 Aug. 1508, proved 16 Mar. 1508/9 (P.C.C., 12 Bennett) by his widow, Margaret.

1508 Will of John Shurlay gent Enfield Middlesex [Latin Will] LW &T of John Shirley of Enfield gentleman. Church of St Andrew Enfield. Wife Margaret. My brother Richard Shirley of Ware. Proven by Margaret relict of John Shirley 1508

References: E.P. Shirley, Stemmata Shirleiana (1873): 39, 54, 408. List of Early Chancery Procs. 4 (PRO Lists and Indexes 29) (1908): 383. TAG 52 (1976): 216–217 (incorrectly identifies John Shirley as Thomas Shirley). T. Hawley Vis. of Essex (H.S.P. 14) (1879): 132 (Wroth pedigree) (no mention of Margaret). S.T. Bindoff, House of Commons 1509–1558 3 (1982): 666–667 [biog. of Robert Wroth (c. 1488/9-1535), brother of Margaret Wroth].

married Margaret Wroth, daughter of John Wroth, Esq., of Durants (in Enfield), Middlesex, by Margaret, daughter of Richard Newdigate. She was born say 1485.


3(i). Joyce Shirley, daughter and co-heiress.

3(ii). Anne Shirley, daughter and co-heiress.

[no date] Joyce and Anne, daughters and heirs of John Schoreley, of Enfield, son and heir of Hugh and Anne Schoreley. v. Hugh Locharde and Thomas Scherealde.: Detention of deeds relating to messuages and land in Leominster, Stockton, Lemsters Ore, Radnor, and Presteign. - C 1/356/35

2(ii). Richard Shirley of Ware, Hertfordshire,

1493 Jan 30 Westminster - Grant during pleasure to Richard Shirley, servant of the king's mother as bailiff of the lordships of Nethewode and Wolferlowe, co Hereford, in the king's gift by reason of the absence of Phillip Haward, late bailiff there, from the king's service in the voyage beyond the sea. Calendar of Patent Rolls, Membrane 19(2)

1504 Grant to Richard Shurley of the canonry of Wysbarough in Chichester Cathedral void by death of master John Chambre - cal of patent rolls

1510 PCC Will of Shirley, Richard, Ware, Herts - Richard Shirley of Ware in the county of Herts. To poor of chamber of hehon Bramble. Pasture I late bought of John Hastehe. The souls of my father and mother. Land I bought of Willam and John Margahoo. After the death of Johann my wife to Leonard my son, then to Elizabeth and Jone my daughters, then to my brother Thomas. To Leonard my gilt goblette and signet of gold. To Thomas Hall. To John Eldergate. To John Clerk the elder. To David Hagan my best bay mare. To William Cyburn. To B. Humphrey a broad yard of cloth. To my sister Joyce my broatch of gold which Thomas Jones hath to make. Wife Jone and John Branghang executors. Wit: Robert Law my curate of Ware, B Humphrey and William Syburn, Symon Maston. Proven 1510

married Joan _____


3(i). Leonard Shirley - named in Will of father

3(ii). Elizabeth Shirley - named in Will of father

3(iii). Joan Shirley - named in Will of father; alive 1528; married Richard Strode

1528 - 20 Henry VIII - Feet of Fines. Rich. Welles, Christr Hales, John Pakyugton and John Gyll : Rich. Strode and Joan his wife, dau. and heir of Rich. Shyrley. Messuage and lands in Ware. - The Herts Genealogist and Antiquary

2(iii). Thomas Shirley - named as brother in Will of Richard of Ware 1510; Living 1513 of Enfield Chase, Middlesex Co.

[no date] Thomas Shurley was appointed baliff of Netherwood, Hereford Co, for faithful service done to the King's sister, the Princess of Castile, lately held by Philip Howard and Richard Shurley, deceased

1481 Release by Thomas Shurley, of Leomynster, co. Heref., yeoman, to Cecile, Prioress of Acornebury, of all actions. Seal 8 July 1481

married __________

Note: It has been claimed that Thomas Shirley married Margaret Wroth (see brother John Shirley above). But look at this later marriage at Enfield. This Thomas Shyrlay is from the Isfield Sussex branch of Shirleys, which also originated in Herefordshire

Enfield Middlesex Marriages - Mr Thomas Shyrlay and Mistris Anna Wroth, 12 December 1576


3(i). Joyce Shirley daughter and heiress. She married (1st) Richard Abington (or Habington), Esq., of Brockhampton, co. Hereford, son and heir of Richard Abington, of Brockhampton, co. Hereford, by Eleanor, daughter of John Hanley. They had three daughters, Mary, Jane (wife of Edward Stanford, Gent., and Oliver Briggs), and Eleanor (wife of Thomas Baskerville, Knt., and John Gage). His widow, Joyce, married (2nd) (as his 2nd wife) Thomas Blount, Esq., of Sodington, co. Worcester. They had two sons, George, Knt., and Peter. His wife, Joyce, was living in 1551–3. Thomas Blount, Esq., died testate (P.C.C., 20 Chayre) 10 Dec. 1562, and was buried at Mamble, co. Worcester.

References: T.R. Nash, Colls. for a Hist. of Worcestershire 1 (1781): pedigree facing 588; 2 (1782): 160 (sub Mamble Parish: "In the east window of Mr. Blount's chapel, which is situated on the north side of the chancel, were, in Mr. Habington's time, these quartered coats, which he thus blazons … [arms listed includes Blount, Shirley, Hevin, and Downton]). E.P. Shirley, Stemmata Shirleiana (1873): 39, 54. R. Cooke, Vis. of Worcester 1569 (H.S.P. 27) 1888): 13–14 (Barnaby pedigree: "Richard Abington of Brokhampto' in com. Hereford. = …. da. to … Sherley."), 62–64 (Habington pedigree: "Richard Habington of Brookhampton. = Joyce da. & heire of …. Sherley, renupt. …. Blount"). List of Early Chancery Procs. 4 (PRO Lists and Indexes 29) (1908): 383; 9 (PRO Lists and Indexes 54) (1933): 359. G. Owen Vis. of Worcestershire 1634 (H.S.P. 90) (1938): 13 (Blount Pedigree: "Thomas Blount of Sodington. Will dated 19 Dec. 1562, proved 18 May 1563. P.C.C. [1] = Katherine, dau. of Thomas Stanford of Rowley, co. Stafford. 1st wife, [2] = Joyce, dau. and heir of … Shirley 2nd wife"), 43–45 (Habington pedigree: "Richard Habington of Brockhampton = Joyce d. and h. of …. Shirley.") (Habington arms: Argent, on a bend gules, three eagles displayed or). TAG 52 (1976): 216–217.

In Mambel church Worcestershire lies the tomb of Thomas Blount which states "…Joyce daughter and heir of Thomas Shirley de Enfield Chase Middlesex "

In memoriam Thomae Blount de Sodington Arm, fillii et heredis Petri Blount de Sodington Arm. Thomas duas habuit uxores Katherinam filiam Thomae Stamford de Rowley Com. Staff. Arm secundam Josam filiam et heredem Thomae Sturde Enfeyld Chase com. Surrey (sic, Middlesex), Arm. Per utramque filos habuit. Obiit 10 die Decemb. An. Elizab. Reginae quarto.

In memoriam Georgii Blount de Sodington militis et Elionorae uxoris suae filae Willelmi Norwood de Lecrampton (Lechampton) in com. Glou. Georgius Blount miles fuit pater et haeres Walteri Blount procreatus inter Thoamam Blount et Jocosam filiam et coheredem (sic heredem) Thomae Shirley, arm. Vixerunt in pace et requiescunt in Domino. Georgius Blount miles obiit 10 Jan. 1610, Eleanora obiit 16 Feb 1624

See Chan. Inq. p.m. (Ser. 2), ccxxxi, 102. Her first husband was Richard Habington.

2(iv). Joyce Shirley - named as sister in Will of Richard of Ware 1510


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