Documented Timeline of the Life of John
Shirley, esquire of London
With specific reference to the documentation by Margaret Connolly,
John Shirley: Book Production and the Noble Household in Fifteenth-Century
England. Vermont: Ashgate Publishing, 1998.
Date |
Image  |
Citation |
Reference |
and Comment |
Prior to Oct 1399 |
Calendar of Patent Rolls |
p 14-15 |
Grant for life, to John Shirley, of certain lands and tenements,
to the value of 10 marks a year, in Chestrefeld, co. Derby, late
of Hugh Draper, forfeited because when appealed of treason he
Connolly speculates that Shirley may have supported Richard
II and then changed to Henry IV. Connolly speculates Shirley
may have been rewarded from the forfeiture of some lands in Chesterfield
Derbyshire by Richard II in Mar 1399 and then pardoned for "divers
treasons" in Feb, the 1st year of Henry IV
1403 |
C 81/1358 no. 4b |
p 15-16 |
Connolly states that prior to Warwick's
appointment for the King's campaign in Wales, Warwick wrote to
the king saying some of his men were hesitant to go to Wales
fearing losses at home while away. Warwick named 15 men including
John Shirley who Connolly notes was named as the last of the
esquires on the list. Transcript in Kirby (1978) |
1403 Oct |
E 403/578 m1 |
p 15 |
Connolly states that Shirley is
listed among Warwick's retinue in October. Describing him as
Warwick's agent at the Exchequer "responsible for collecting
a large sum of money allocated for the payment of the troops
at Brecon" Connolly does not imply that Shirley is an employee
there, only advocating for Warwick |
1409-10 |
p 18 |
Connolly notes that the records of
Simon Benett, Warwick's receiver-general lists several payments
to Shirley "which were no doubt incurred in conducting Warwick's
business" |
1414 Oct 27 |

2 |
Issue Roll |
p 19 |
Warwick's wages as ambassador to
the Council of Constance were to be paid to him "by the
hands of John Shirley, his esquire." see also Devon (1837)
p335 |
1415 June |
p 19 |
Warwick having been appointed Capt
of Calais, enlisted 129 men to defend Calais. Shirley is on the
list as an esquire. Henry invades France in August 1415. |
1415 Sept |
p 19 |
Shirley named as an executor in will
of Sir Wm Fauconer who died at Calais. |
1416 Sept |
p 19 |
Shirley witness to will of Sir Baldwin
Straunge who died in a sea fight off Calais shortly after. |
1417 |
p 20 |
Shirley was listed among the 402
men serving Warwick in the king's second invasion of France.
He was listed as a lance. |
1417 |
p 20 |
"by this date" the 1417-18
account roll of John Baysham, then Warwicks' receiver-general,
shows Shirley receiving a permanent annuity from Shenley, one
of Warwick's Buckinghamshire estates |
1422 |
Image |
TNA CP/40/647 |
Worcs.: debt; Shirley, John, esq,
on his own account vs. Blount, John, of Wygynton, Oxon, esq;
Beauchamp, John, of Holt, Worcs, knight, executrix of; (Beauchamp,
Alice, formerly wife of Testator) |
1425 June 14 |
Shakespeare Birthplace Trust DR
98/85 |
[Transcript, Connolly, Margaret,
The Library, v. s6-19, Isssue 3, 1997, pp 242-247.] Richard Beauchamp,
Count of Warwick and of Aumale, Lord Despenser and of Lisle,
Captain of Calais, to all our stewards, feoffees, farmers, bailiffs,
magistrates, rent-collectors, and our other officers and ministers
who may see these letters of ours or will learn of them, greetings.
For this reason that our well beloved Robert Skeyrne has done
homage to us, the which he is held to do of us by reason of certain
lands and tenements in the town of Compton Mordak in the county
of Warwick, which he claims to hold from us in chief by the service
of a knight as of our [blank] in the same county. We wish and
charge you that henceforward you should in no way distrain, harass,
incommode, molest, arrest or impeach the said Robert by reason
of the aforementioned homage. In witness whereof we have put
our seal to these our letters patent, given at London in our
lodging there, the fourteenth day of June in the third year of
the reign of King Henry the Sixth since the conquest. <signature>
Jn Shirley. |
1426-1428 |
p 23 |
Shirley was a clerk at the Exchequer
for John Throgmorton "and his employment there may well
have preceded this date; he is still so described along with
John Wodehous in 1428." |
1430 Feb |
p 53 |
Connolly speculates that the debt
owed by Wm Balsham of Flamstead, Herts was not necessarily owed
to Warwick who held the manor, but to Shirley who may have been
granted the rents by Warwick. Although in 1422-3, Shirley had
collected money from Balsham on behalf of Warwick. |
1430 |
Image |
d 926 |
London debt Shirley, John, esq, on
his own account Graystok, Ralph, of Thorp Arche, York; Cook,
John, of Chestrefeld, Derbs, chaplain |
1430 |
Image |
d 981 |
London debt Shirley, John, esq, on
his own account Froxmere, William, of Wyche, Worcs, gent |
1430 |
Image |
f 835 |
London debt Shirley, John, esq, on
his own account Froxmere, William, of Wythe, Worcs, gent |
1430 |
Image |
d 1706 |
London debt Shirley, John, esq; Wodehous,
John, of Calais, on their own account Pencrych, William, of London,
Doctor of Laws & archdeacon of St Davids, clerk |
1430 |
Image |
d 926 |
London debt Shirley, John, esq; Wodehous,
John, of Cales, on their own account Pencrych, William, of St
Davids, archdeacon & doctor of Laws, formerly of London |
1430 |
Image |
f 507 |
London debt Shyrley, John, esq on
his own account; vs. Cook, John, of Chestrerfeld, Derbs, chaplain |
1431 May 4 |
C 241/224/27 |
Debtor: Thomas Woodlowe of Marston
in Warwicks., gentleman. Creditor: John Shirley, esquire. Amount:
£153 6s.8d. Before whom: William Estfield, Mayor of the
Staple of Westminster. When taken: 19/02/1431 First term: 01/05/1431
Last term: 01/05/1431 Writ to: Sheriff of [Warwicks] Sent by:
William Estfield, Mayor of the Staple of Westminster. |
1436 |
p 16 |
Lay subsidy says that Shirley has
income of L10 from lands in Hertfordshire; Connolly discusses
the social rank of Shirley in this context |
1437 |
Image |
f 115 |
London: debt - Shirley, John, esq
vs Cely, John, of Chepyng Faryngdon, Berks, merchant, executrix
of; (Cely, Petronilla, of Chepyng Faryngdon, widow) |
1441 [sometime after this date] |
p 56 |
Dispute between Shirley and a London
priori of nuns. John Wodehous et al appointed arbitrators |
Connolly: sometime after 1443 |

Items A,
C 1/16/244 |
p 56 |
John Noel [Neel], master of St.
Thomas of Acres, London. v. John Shirley: Detention of a tally
upon the customers of London.: London. Connolly: Dispute
between Shirley and John Neel. Describes exchange of customs
tallies between Shirley and his "cousin, John Wodehous,
treasurer to the Captain of Calais...." |
1407-1456 |
C 1/16/272 |
John Shirley, esq. v. Thomas Gerard,
esq. and John Preston, his servant.: Forgery of an indenture
of debt. |
1407-1456 |
C 1/16/430 |
Thomas Gerard, esq. v. John Verney,
dean of Lichfield, and William Forstede, esq., arbitrators.:
Surrender of a release in a matter between petitioner and John
Shirley, esq., concerning the issues of the manor of Preston.:
Rutland. |
1429 Feb 16 |
John Verney of Sutton co Warw. Clerk,
Robt Andrew of Blounesdown Andrew co Wiltshire, John Throkmorton
of Throkmorton Co Worc, John Shirley of London, Wm Wybbe of Hanbury
of Worc, esqs and John Norman cit and draper of London to Richard
Abbot of St Peter Westminster. Recognizance for 500 marks to
be levied in the counties aforesaid. |
1431 Apr 5 |
Calendar of Close Rolls |
John Holym cit of London and Nicholas
Lovet cit and goldsmith of London to John Shirley esq servant
of Richard Earl of Warrewyk recognizance of 80L to be levied
etc in the city of London. |
1431 May 4 |
C 241/224/28 |
Debtor: Thomas Woodlowe of Marston
in Warwicks., gentleman. Creditor: John Shirley, esquire. Amount:
£63 Before whom: John Michell, Mayor of the Staple of Westminster.
When taken: 27/01/1430 First term: 23/03/1430 Last term: 23/03/1430
Writ to: Sheriff of [Warwicks. |
1432 Nov 11 |
C 241/225/52 |
Debtor: Simon Horne of Daventry
[Northants.], John Horne of Daventry, Robert Horne, citizen and
fishmonger [merchant] of London, and Richard Horne, citizen and
draper [merchant] of London. Creditor: John Shirley, esquire.
Amount: £50. Before whom: William Estfield, Mayor of the
Staple of Westminster. |
1433 |
C 1/12/247 |
Walter Roger v. John Shirley, esq.,
and Geoffrey Fyldyng, mercer.: Money matters. |
1435 May 13 |
Calendar of Close Rolls |
Wm Penne cit and grocer of London
to Master Richard Caudray clerk archdeacon of Lincoln, John Shirle
esq, Wm Northampton cit and draper of London, John Louthe of
Lincolnshire gent and John Hammond of Bedfordshire. Gift w/warranty
of all his goods and wares in city of London and elsewhere dated
London 20 June 1435 |
1438 Nov 18 |
C 241/228/61 |
Debtor: Richard Ellis of Great Yarmouth
in Norfolk, merchant, and Bartholomew Ellis of Great Yarmouth,
gentleman. Creditor: John Shirley, esquire. Amount: £40
Before whom: William Estfield, Mayor of the Staple of Westminster.
When taken: 18/07/1438 First term: 11/11/1438 Last term: 11/11/1438
Writ to: Sheriff of [London, Norfolk] Sent by: William Estfield,
Mayor of the Staple of Westminster. |
1439 May 10 |
Calendar of Close Rolls |
John Shirley, Wm Morely esq, Thomas
Cateworth cit and grocer of London Hugh Dyke citizen of London
and Wm Anable to Wm Tresham, Wm Aldewyncle, Thos Gladman, Rich
Willoughby, Thos Merton and John Olyffe quitclaim of manor in
Russheton Co Northampton called Westhalle lands in Westende,
Westfelde, and Aukefeld and advowson of church of St Peter in
Russheton Wit: Thos Greene knt, Thos Mulso of Neuton, Simon Kynnesman,
Wm Harewedown, Wm Berforde |
1439 Jun 22 |
C 241/228/36 |
Debtor: Robert Brandon, of Lynn
[Freebridge Hundred] in Norfolk, gentleman. Creditor: John Shirley,
esquire. Amount: £60 4½d Before whom: William, Mayor
of the Staple of Westminster. When taken: 27/05/1438 First term:
27/11/1438 Last term: 27/11/1438 Writ to: Sheriff of [Norfolk]
Sent by: William Estfield, Mayor of the Staple of Westminster.
1440 Oct 26 |
Calendar of Close Rolls |
Memorandum of an undertaking under
pain of 500L made in chancery by John Shirley of London esq to
appear in person bringing with him 60L in money and 2 bonds to
be delivered [note: Shirley did appear and deliver money and
bonds] |
1441 Feb 22 |
London Plea and Memoranda Rolls A68 |
Award of Wm Estfield knt, Thos Chalton
alderman dna John Bowes recorder in dispute betw Master Richard
Cawdrey clerk, Dame Alice Lynne and John Lynne an orphan of this
city on one part and John Shirley on other. As regards to payment
by John Shirley to James Lynne delivered by sd arbitrators in
the church of St Martin le Grand awarded that John Shirley should
pay at once. |
1441 May 27 |
Calendar of Close Rolls |
Thomas Kyrkeby cit and mercer of
London to John Shirley esq, Richard Chalkhill tailor Richard
Rowye marbler and Wm Forster tailor, citizens of London gift
and warranty in the city and suburbs of London and elsewhere
Wit: Thomas Gay, Thos Sutton , John Riche. |
1444 |
CP40/732 |
London; debt - Hayward, William,
of Hereford, esq; Shirley, John, esq plts vs Bertram, William,
of London, esq |
1444 |
CP40/732 |
Sussex; debt - Hayward, William,
of Hereford, esq; Shirley, John, esq plts vs Aleyn, John, of
Lyndefeld, laborer; Arnold, Robert, of Est Grensted, tanner;
Waleys, Walter, of Est Grensted, tanner; Knobbe, John, of Est
Grensted, laborer; atte Hegge, William, of Est Grensted, laborer |
1444 |
(2 separate entries for these litigants) |
London; debt - Shirley, John, of
London, esq plt vs Cokesey, Hugh, of Caldewell, Worcs, knight;
Sellyng, Richard, of Davyngton, Kent, esq; Hunte, John, of Sudbury,
Suff, esq; Bekerstath, John, of London, gent, or of Worcester,
husbandman; Dalamare, Ralph, of London, saddler |
1444 |
(2 separate entries for these litigants) |
London; debt - Shirley, John, of
London, esq plt vs Waterton, Robert, of Medley, Yorks, knight;
Wyllyngham, William, of Molyngton, Oxon, esq; White, William,
of London, goldsmith; Naylston, Thomas, of Snarston, Leics, or
of Bubby, Nhants, yeoman; Cheyne, John, of Isnamsted Cheyne,
Bucks, esq |
1444 Nov 15 |
Calendar of Patent Rolls |
Exemplification, at the request
of Richard Curson and Isabel his wife, of letters patent in their
favour dated 25 May, 21 Henry VI, John Shirley, esquire, having
sworn that the originals have been lost and that if found, they
shall be surrendered. [May 25. Grant in survivorship to Richard
Curson, one of the esquires about the Westminster, king's person,
and Isabel his wife of 50 marks yearly from Easter last out of
the issues of the counties of Warwick and Leicester, the said
Isabel having divers times attended the person of Queen Katharine
in the parts of France at the command of Henry V at her own costs
without any reward; in lieu of grants to Richard by letters patent
dated 24 August,] By p.s. etc. |
1452 |
2 |
Commissary Court of London 5-213 |
Will of Sherley, Jn esq to be buried
in St Bartholomew's Hospital. |
1455 [after death of Shirley?] |
CP40/776 |
London; Debt - Shirley, John, esq,
of London, St Bartholomew Hospital, plt vs Mountford, William,
of Colshill, knight, executors of; (Mountford, Joan, of Colshill
in Ardern, Warks, widow; Mountford, Edmund, of Colshill in Ardern,
esq= |
1460 [after death of Shirley] |
p 57 |
Appeal of a case "made by Richard
Thornes to several doctors of laws and London aldermen".
Case between Thorne and Shirley's attorneys. Wodehouse is described
as the "late mayor of Calais". |