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From: Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography, Volume I Daniel Hutt Daniel Hutt Daniel Hutt was born between 1600 and 1630, probably in London, England. He was a ship's captain for quite awhile. There are records showing him sailing from London to Virginia, Maryland, Barbados, and New England. The earliest record for Daniel Hutt is in a article called "Cultural Continuity among the Piscataway Indians of Colonial Maryland" by James H. Merrell. He says: "In 1659 colonial authorities caught Daniel Hutt illegally trading with Indians on Piscataway Creek. Hutt's boat was loaded with arms, indicating that some traders offered more than colored beads and copper bracelets in exchange for the natives' corn." Thus it appears that Daniel was at one time a smuggler. Many of the merchants and seafaring men of his day were sons of the aristocracy. At the time, only the eldest son inherited, and the younger sons had to find employment. The merchant class was therefore an acceptable profession in England at the time. Many of the men, who moved to Nominy Bay in Virginia at the same time Daniel did, were sons of old English families. It was not uncommon for these merchants to make trips to the "homeland" at least once a year. They had many servants and stores which supplied their neighbors with British goods. Many were largely involved in growing and selling tobacco. Therefore, it is very likely that Daniel is the second or third son of an old English family. This is further evidenced by the receipt of payment to Francis Chaplin, Sheriff of London for passage on the "Susanna" in 1668. A copy of which is found in the William & Mary quarterly Vol. 15 No. 3. Sir Francis Chaplin was married to Anne Hutt, possibly a sister to Daniel and daughter of Daniel Hutt of Essex. This intimate relationship would explain why Sir Francis loaned Daniel 20 pounds for passage to America. As of yet, the idea that Daniel and Sir Francis were brothers in law is merely speculation, however it would seem to fit the circumstances. Since Daniel's earlier arrest for selling guns to Indians occurred in Maryland, it is a possibility that he met Thomas Gerard (his future father in law) there. Mr. Richard Cole, one of Daniel's neighbors and an apparent social pariah was quoted as saying "Hardwick and Hutt were rogues" and Washington "an ass-negroe-driver" (source: William & Mary Quarterly; Washington and his neighbors Vol 4: Issue 1 pgs. 28) From: The Washington Ancestry and Records of the McClain,
Johnson and Forty Other Colonial American Families, Volume 1 Daniel Hutt served as a Justice in Westmoreland County, along with John Washington (George Washington's great grandfather), Valentine Peyton, Captain William Pierce, Captain George Mason , Mr. John Lord and Lt. Colonel John Dodman Information from the Northern Neck of Virginia Historical Magazine, Vol.4, No. 1, p. 331: Daniel Hutt, a mariner and merchant, operated several ocean-going vessels between the Colonies an d the Continent and was at one time styled a merchant of London. He lived for awhile in New England, inasmuch as at his settlement in Maryland, he was referred to as late of that section. Among his ships were the Mayflower of cherished memories, John's Adventure, and Pinke Adventure , and there are records of his ships sailing to Hamburg, London, the Barbadoes, and Newport, Rhode Island. His marriage to Temperance Gerard occurred at her father's seat on Nomini Bay. Hi s wealth and vastness of his Virginia estate can best be judged by a lien placed on 1,505 acres, 27 servants, and 100 heads of cattle. Hutt died in 1674, leaving a fruitful widow and two young children Information from Charlolette Sandel Beck: Hut Family Genealogy. There is a record July 20, 1659 of John Washington's men and Daniel Hutt stripping tobacco together, also in 1659 Daniel Hutt was caught illicitly smuggling guns along with glass beads to the Piscataway Indians. Daniel and John Washington served as Westmoreland Justices in 1663. Prospect Hill was the name of the original 875 acre plantation patented in 1666. It remained in the family until 1824. Today it is located on the south side of Nomini Creek at highway 621 bridge. Information from J. Clifford Hutt, Montross, VA. Place of residence has been listed as Nomini Bay, Potomac River, Westmoreland County, Virginia. On Herring Branch of Nomini River. London merchant, and master of the ship Mayflower. Settled in VA in 1668, married in 1669. Had plantation of 1505 acres, 27 slaves, and 100 head of cattle. The Historical Atlas of Westmoreland County, VA by Eaton, 1942(Archives Library Ref. 975 .524, Ea83, Oversized Collection) Contains a map which shows Daniel Hutt's plantation. He originally patented 875acres on June 5, 1666, and patented other lands later. On this land he also built a mill on Cos Cos Creek. After marrying Temperance Gerard in 1669, his will was prove d in 1674. He had two children, Ann and son Gerard. Widow subsequently married a merchant, one John Crabbe. Daniel was the "Emigrant Hutt" and the family figured frequently in the history of the country. The reference book, Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol. 2: 1666-1695,"Abstracts of Land Patents and Grants," 1977 Records Lt. Col. John Washington (great-grandfather to President George Washington) as purchasing 450 acres of land adjacent to Daniel Hutt (on south side of Potomac River in Nomini Bay, Westmoreland County).
The Will of Daniel Hutt is dated March 3, 1673/74 and proven June 24,1674 in Westmoreland Co. , Virginia. In the name of God Amen the last will and testament of Danll Hutt...... ..I give my soule to God and give my body to the earth to be decently buried... 1. I doe hereby impower my deare wife Temperance Hutt my sole Extrix __ I give &bequeath unto the sd Temperance all my personall estate requesting if she marries she would remember to be bountiful to my two children Anne Hutt & Garrard Hutt unto whose care under God I committ them both. 2. Whereas I have formerly given one third of my land by a deed of guift in marriage to the sd Temperance Hutt & if noe further dispute may arise wth __ of the sd __ this land shall __ doe hereby declare my will is thesd thirds takes the beginning from the outward bounds of my land & soe carry the full breadth Inward untill the one third be completed. Item I give & bequeath unto my Deare sonne Garrard Hutt his__ forever all my land, housing orchards __ doe now or shall hereafter belong some And some to possess after the death of his Mother Temperance Hutt but in case of his mortallity to my deare daughter Anne Hutt for her natural life But after her death to my Dear Bro. Jn° Hutt of Londn his heirs Extr adminsrs : or __forever if my sd sonne Garrard Hutt should dye wthout issue. 4 . I give & bequeath unto my Loving daughter Anne Hutt five thousand pounds Tob. & Cash to be pd her when she shall attaine to the adge of eighteen. I bequeath & __ my Lo: Bro:C apa Jn° Appleton to be overseer of this my will that every part be duly performed And in case my Extrx shall happen to dye before my sonne & daughter come of adge then the guardianship of them & their estates to come into the possessions & care of my sd Bro. Capa Jn° Appleton untill they shalle attaine to adge & in case o f mortallity both of my Extrix and my sd Bro. Appleton then the said guardianship of sd Sonne and daughter & their estates to come into the possession & care of my Lo: Bro in Law Jn° Garrard untill they shall attaine adge In Witness whereof I set my hand & seale this 3dDay of March 1673 Danll Hutt (seale) signed sealed published and delivered in the precence of us
Jn How __ DanllPilbrow(?) (Westmoreland County Records, Wills) Daniel Hutt's London Family Lord Mayor's Court of London 16 Sept 1671. John Hutt of London citizen and girdler, age 31 and Edw Calthorp Jr of Southwark Surrey, grocer age 25 depose for Christopher Bannister of London, citizen and haberdasher that Daniell Hutt brother of the deponent and now in Virginia signed a deed 19 Nov 1668 binding himself to pay Bannister for stockings to be sent to Virginia. A letter of 5 June 1669 now produced in court was written from Daniell Hutt to Bannister. [footnote from book containing the above records]: Patent 24 April 1656 for 1000 acres of land in Westmoreland Co Va was granted to Mr Edw Griffitha and Mr. Daniel Hutt; Daniel Hutt gent assigned over his interest in the same 5 June 1656. Daniel Hutt, sometimes described as merchant owned other lands in both Westmoreland and Northumberland counties "on the south side of the Potamac River" Marriage agreement 1 Jun 1669 signed betw Daniel Hutt, merchant, and Mistress Temperance Gerrard, daughter of Thomas Garrard Esq. Will 3 Mar 1673/4 of Daniel Hutt probated 24 June 1674 named wife Temperance; underage children Anne Hutt and Garrard Hutt and in case of thier death to brother John Hutt of London. Also mentioned his brother (sic) Capt John Appleton as overseer of his will as well as his brother-in-law Mr John Garrard. London Merchant Taylor school records: John Hutt b May 20 1640 (fits above age at birth) bapt. at All Hallows the Less 2nd son of William Hutt, Cheesemonger and wife Hana
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