2(iv). James Shirley Jr born
Sept 24, 1803 Anderson Co. SC. Died in 1862 in Anderson
James Shirley Jr was born on 24 September 1803 in Pendleton
District South Carolina to James Shirley Sr and his wife Elizabeth
James grew up in the 26 Mile Creek area of what would later
become Anderson County and undoubtedly assisted his father on
the family farm during his youth. James married Rebecca Smith
on 15 February 1827 in Pendleton District. Rebecca was the daughter
of Aaron Smith and his wife Rachel Montgomery, a family of farmers
who lived near the Shirleys in the 26 Mile Creek area of the
county. Rebecca was also said by family tradition to be James'
first cousin.
James' family first appears in records in the 1830 US Federal
Census for Pendleton District, later Anderson County South Carolina.
The young family consisted of only James and Rebecca and their
two eldest children, Aaron Yancy who was born in 1828 and James
Smith who was born in January 1830. At that time, James did not
own any slaves (line 4 of the 2nd page of the census) although
his father James Sr and brother Aaron, both living nearby, did
show slaves in their respective census enumeration. Earlier in
the year on the 1st of January, James was given 87 acres of land
on 26 Mile Creek in Pendleton District by his father (Anderson
Co DB S pg 515). James' new property adjoined that of his brother
Aaron, Samuel and John Millwee and James Smith. The land was
settled by his father "in consideration of the good will
and affection" for his son. The father was clearly distributing
some of his real estate holdings to his various children upon
their respective marriages.
James was enumerated in the 1840 US Federal Census for then
Anderson District with his wife Rebecca and 6 sons and 1 daughter
in the family, viz: Aaron Yancy, James Smith, Richard Cater,
John Newton, Andrew Alfred, Rachel Elizabeth, and William C Shirley.
While many of James' neighbors owned slaves at this time, the
2nd page of the census (line 8) does not show James owning slaves.
He is also enumerated 3 years later in the extant 1843 Anderson
County tax records.
The 1850 US Federal Census was taken for the Eastern District
of Anderson County on the 3rd of September of that year. James
Shirley Jr and his large family were enumerated for the first
time showing individual names. James was 45 years old, a farmer
with property valued at $2000. Rebecca was 42. All of James and
Rebecca's children were alive and living in the household, including
four younger children who were born since the 1840 census viz:
Mahala Emaline, Benjamin Franklin, Anson M, Robert Allen Shirley.
James' father James Shirley Sr was also living with the family.
In that year, James Sr was 81 years old and recently widowed.
The 1850 US Census Slave Schedule shows that James Shirley owned
one slave, an elderly woman age 70 years old. Earlier that year
on the 20th of February, James Sr granted additional land to
his son in consideration for his maintenance and livelihood a
tract of land containing 90 acres on the waters of 26 Mile Creek,
adjacent the lands of James Erskin, Benjamin Mills, Matilda Harris,
Robert Smith and Wade Richardson. The deed stipulated that James
Sr be provided "suitable food and clothing and lodging during
the period of my natural life." The deed was recorded in
Anderson County on 18 March 1850 (Anderson Co DB AA page 133)
[need slave schedule]
In the days leading up to the Civil War, the Shirley family
was enumerated in the 1860 US Federal Census for Anderson County.
The area was catagorized as the 4th District in the area of the
Piercetown and Buchanan Post Office. By the time the census was
taken on 16 July 1860, James and Rebeca's family had added two
new children during the decade, Helen age 8 and Sarah age 6,
but also lost son Anson, who does not appear in the family's
1860 household. James' father also died during the intervening
ten years. The family did not lose an elderly patriarch in the
household upon the death of James Shirley Sr. Rebecca's elderly
father Aaron Smith, then age 85 and apparently a widower, had
also come to live with the family. At that time, the census records
that James' farm was valued at $1800 and his personal property
at $800. But war was on the horizon. Only nine months after the
Shirleys were enumerated in the census, South Carolina fired
on Fort Sumter in April 1861.
James and Rebecca Shirley's farming activities in Anderson
County were enumerated on 1 June 1860 in the 1860 US Federal
Agricultural Census (page 2, row 4) They farmed 100 acres of
improved land and 160 acres of unimproved land. The cash value
of the farm was estimated to be $1800 at the time of the census.
Farming implements and machinery were valued at $150. James reported
2 horses, 3 mules, 3 milk cows, and 6 other cattle on hand on
1 June 1860. He had 1 head of sheep and 18 pigs. All livestock
was valued at $475. James reported that he produced 100 bushels
of wheat in the year prior to the census, 700 bushels of indian
corn, 100 pounds of tobacco and 20 pounds of wool in the year
prior to the census, The record doesn't show that James produced
many vegetable crops only 5 bushels of irish potatoes and 50
pounds of sweet potatoes. James' farm produced 150 pounds of
butter and 6 tons of hay. He reported the value of home-made
manufactured goods at $100 and the value of slaughtered animals
during the prior year at $75. James Shirley Jr was about 57 years
of age at the time of the census.
The Shirley family suffered greatly during the Civil War.
Son Richard Cater Shirley died of typhoid fever in service for
the Confederacy at Richmond VA in August 1862. Son James Smith
Shirley was killed in battle in 1863, sons Andrew and William
were also killed in battle sometime during the war. Son John
Newton Shirley was seriously wounded at Gettsburg in July 1863.
The trauma of war was truly too great, for James himself succumbed
to stress or illness about September 1862. He had not yet passed
his 60th birthday. He left behind a deeply shattered family consisting
of his widow Rebecca and nine of his thirteen children alive,
trying to rebuild their lives and build their own families in
the aftermath of the great war.
On 23 September 1862, the Anderson County court ordered James
Shirley's personal estate to be appraised. The appraisal, published
in probate records of Anderson County (Volume 4 page 592) included
the usual household items such as a table, 6 chairs, potware,
sideboard and glass, a cupboard, books and bookcase, beds, bed
furntire, quilts, sheets and comforter. And since James was a
prosperous farmer, his estate upon his death included various
farming implements, shovels, plows, handsaws, horseshoes, horse
bridles and saddles. and wagons. Livestock such as cows, pigs,
sheep and bushels of corn and wheat and numerous bales of cotton.
Also in the list of appraised items was a curious counting tool,
"Young's Arithmetical Calculator" which was purchased
by J H Millwee at the estate sale for $1.00. The estate reflected
numerous IOUs by his then deceased son Richard Shirley. James
Shirley Jr also died owning 3 slaves, John valued at $175, Mike
valued at $200 and Dock who was valued at $180. John and Mike
were both purchased at the estate sale by E M Cobb, but apparently
Dock remained with the family after the sale, likely until emancipation
which occurred only a few months later on 1 January 1863. The
total value of the estate was valued for sale at $1,596.18.
Summary of Probate records: On 25 Aug. 1862 James Shirley,
dec'd, adm, wid. Rebbah, and ten legatees; A. Y., James S., Richard,
John N, , B. F., Robert Shirley, Rachel E. Harris, Emaline Campbell,
Helen McDaniel and Sarah C Shirley. On 25 Oct. 1872 PARTITION:
of land which may have been at the time of her demise. On 25
May 1880 other heirs named.
On 19 July 1867, Rebecca Shirley and Larancey Harris, the
administrators of the estate of James Shirley Jr deceased filed
suit against Elijah Webb and Samuel Brown Jr (Anderson County
Court of Common Pleas file 3111). On 25 September 1862, Webb
and Brown signed a one year promissory note for $150 to the administrators
of James Shirley's estate and had apparently not paid. Judgement
against the two defendants was finally granted on 1 October 1869.
In the 1870 US Federal Census for Anderson County, the widow
Rebecca Shirley is shown living as head of household. Also living
with her at the time the census was enumerated was her son Yancy,
whose wife was then deceased, and his many children. Rebecca's
daughter Emaline and young grandaughter are also living in the
Following the death of Rebecca Shirley, sometime before 24
October 1871 when the sale bill of her estate inventory was probated
in Anderson County (Vol 7, page 129, page 130), the sons and
daughters of James Shirley Jr. could finally settle the real
estate holdings of their deceased father. A notice of final settlement
on the estate of James Shirley dated 18 February 1875 and final
settlement on the estate of Rebecca Shirley dated 25 February
1875 were each published in the Anderson Intelligencer newspaper
on the 25th. Son-in-law Laransey Harris administered the estate
of James Shirley Jr, while son Benjamin F. Shirley administered
the estate of his mother Rebecca.
Settlement of James Shirley's estate continued for several
more years. In 1880, his son Yancy Shirley sued the other heirs
for a division of their father's real estate. Names of the heirs
were published in a legal notice in the Anderson Intelligencer
newspaper and was dated 25 May 1880. Property named in the suit
to be divided was described as one tract containing 163 acres
and a second tract containing 123 acres bounded by the lands
of Mrs Sophia Millwee, Hugh Rush, and James Erskine.
3 June 1880 The Anderson Intelligencer (newspaper) - Court
of Common Pleas. AY Shirley and Wm R Cartee plts against Rachel
E Harris, Emaline Jones, RA Shirley, Sallie Wilson, Helen McDaniel,
BF Shirley, John N Shirley, Lettie Shirley, Thomas Shirley, Newton
Shirley, Richard Shirley, Rebecca J Jack Fanny L Shirley, Elzora
Vickory, Emma Goolsby and Franklin Shirley, Defendants. Summons
for Relief...proceedings in probate court to partition the real
estate of James Shirley deceased. The premises in question are
described as follows: Tract No 1, containing one hundred and
sixty three acres, more or less and Tract No 2, containing one
hundred and twenty three acres, more or less, bounded by lands
of Mrs Sophia Millwee, Hugh Rush and James Erskine.
James and Rebecca Shirley were undoubtedly buried in Anderson
County South Carolina, but the precise cemetery location is not
James Shirley Jr. and wife
Rebecca Smith
(this photo passed down through
the lineage of John Newton Shirley)
Descendants of James Shirley born in 1803 Anderson
Co. SC,
(son of James, son of John Shirley). Photo about 1900 in Belton,
South Carolina; Top row L-R: Yancy Shirley, John Newton Shirley,
Laransey Harris, William McDaniel, Joseph Wilson, and Robert
Shirley. (non-Shirley names are the brother-in-laws). Bottom
row: L-R: Emeline Shirley Jones, Rachel Shirley Harris, Helen
Shirley McDaniel, and Sallie Shirley Wilson.
married Rebbah Smith Feb 15, 1827 She
was born May 16, 1808 Anderson Co. SC and died in 1872. She was
the daughter of Aaron and Rachael Montgomery Smith. (Aaron Smith
was born April 22, 1775 VA and died Oct 23, 1867. He m. Rachel
Montgomery Sept 24, 1803, and she was born Oct 17, 1785, died
Jan 20, 1853.)
3(i). Aaron Yancy Shirley born Mar 8, 1828 Anderson
Co. SC, died Oct 8, 1918, age 90 in Anderson Co. SC (death certificate,
parents named). He was a farmer of Five Forks area of Anderson
Co. SC. Aaron and his five children were listed in the household
of his mother, Rebecca in 1870. Aaron and Amanda are buried in
the Trinity Methodist Church Cemetery.
married 1) Janie Amick.
married 2) Amanda O. Jones born Sept 27, 1826 SC. d.
July 21, 1902 buried Trinity Methodist Church Cemetery Anderson
Co. SC, daughter of Wilson and Judith Jones. No children.
4(i). Ellen Shirley born Aug 26, 1851 Five Forks, Anderson
Co. SC. d. Nov 17, 1938 m. William Neal Hunnicutt born Aug 2,
1850 SC d. Aug 2, 1931 son of Capt. William P. Hunnicutt m. Elizabeth
Clinkscales Jan 10, 1836.
4(ii). James D. Shirley born Mar 12, 1853 d. Mar 13,
married Mary Margaret Kay born Dec 18, 1854 Anderson
Co. SC d. Mar 14, 1936 buried Trinity Methodist Church Cemetery,
Anderson Co. SC. She was the dau of Silas E. Kay and Elizabeth
5(i). Nettie Shirley born about 1874
5(ii). Drucilla Shirley born Aug 6. 1876 d. Mar 1,
1934 m. William George Williams born April 24, 1879 d. Dec 4,
5(iii). Ethan Allen Shirley born April 10, 1878 d.
Nov 10, 1959 buried Hopewell Baptist Church Cemetery, Anderson
Co. SC
5(iv). Silas J. Shirley born Oct 5, 1879 d. Nov 14,
5(v). Harrison Shirley born about 1881
5(vi). Son Shirley born and died Nov 18, 1884
5(vii). Son Shirley born Nov 10, 1885
5(viii). Son Shirley born and died Nov 2, 1886
5(ix). Aaron Yancy Shirley
married Annie Othelia Erskine
4(iii). Sarah Drucilla Shirley born about 1855
4(iv). John Allen Shirley born April 1, 1859 d. July
5, 1940,
married 1) Julia F. Hunter born June 13, 1859 SC d.
May 2, 1891 daughter of John Hunter and Eleanor Jolly,
married 2) Melissa Wilkes born July 26, 1875 d. July
5, 1896 m. 3rd Callie Jones born Feb 1873 d. 1948
5(i). Twins Shirley born and died Dec 30, 1885
5(ii). Infant Shirley born and died July 8, 1886, a
twin to Floyd
5(iii). Floyd Julian Shirley m. Lucy Cordelia Mitchell
5(iv). Essie Jane Shirley m. Joseph Pickens robinson
5(v). Julia Shirley m. John Robert Clark
5(vi). Ralph Shirley 1879 (child of Callie Jones,
3rd wife)
5(vii). Infant Shirley (a twin) no date available
5(viii). Levi M. Shirley
5(ix). Cecil Shirley
5(x). Herman Shirley
5(xi). Eugenia Shirley m. __Edwards
5(xii). Sarah Shirley m. Paul Feige, Jr.
5(xiii). Alvin M. Shirley
4(v). Yancy Janie Shirley born May 1, 1862 d. Nov 24,
married James Franklin Shirley born Dec 28, 1861 d.
Jan 31, 1927 (1st cousins, see next family)
3(ii). James Smith Alonzo Shirley born Jan 30, 1830
SC. In 1860 James Smith Shirley was in DeKalb Co. AL with
his wife Frances. James S. was a Private in the 48th Alabama
Infantry. Although records show him serving in Co G, his tombstone
says Co B (which may be in error). He died 4 Aug 1862 (age 32)
Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, VA. He appears on the August 11
(?17) 1862 Commissioners Court Regular Term list of DeKalb Co.
AL as "In Service." According to his military records,
he died of "erysipelas." On Feb. 3, 1863, his widow
Frances made a claim for settlement.

Confederate marker for James Smith Shirley at
New Harmony Baptist Church Cemetery, DeKalb Co Alabama
[dates on stone are in error]
married Fannie Louvenia Hunter who was born Jan 20,
1842 SC, d. Mar 11, 1927 Franklin Co. GA. She is buried in Belton
Baptist Church Cemetery. She m. 2nd Asa L. Mills May 8, 1887
Franklin Co. GA
4(i). Mary Elzora Shirley born July 5, 1858 AL d. Nov
14, 1932 buried Liberty Hill, toccoa, Stephens Co. GA m. Aug
30, 1877 Wm. Cleve Vickery born Oct 8, 1858 Macon Franklin Co.
GA d. Jan 10. 1914
4(ii). Rebecca Emma Shirley born May 1, 1860 d. April
4, 1910 Woods Commubnity, Panola Co. TX m. Judge J.A. Goolsby
Dec 6, 1876 born June 12, 1855 GA d. Oct 17, 1935 Carnesville,
Franklin Co. GA
4(iii). James Franklin Shirley born Dec 28, 1861
DeKalb Co. AL d. Jan 31, 1927 Belton, Anderson Co. SC,
Ancestor of DNA Kit #N18270
James Franklin and Sunie Shirley
(photo from Irene Shearer)
married 1) Yancy Janie Shirley born May 1, 1862 Anderson
Co. She d, Nov 24, 1904 Buried Belton Cemetery Belton Co. Anderson
SC daughter of Aaron Yancy Shirley and Janie Amick,
married 2) 2nd Sunie Capell widow of a Mr. Reed.
5(i). John Fletcher Shirley m. Clarisse Pearle Poole
5(ii). Lena Catherine Shirley m. Floyd Preston Arve
5(iii). Ollie Shirley m. S. Tressie Cothran
5(iv). Dora Shirley m. James R. Jordan
5(v). Ellis Shirley Sept 6, 1891 unmarried
5(vi). Bertha Elzora Shirley m. Frank Clifton Little
5(vii). James Clifton Shirley m. 1st. Ollier
Kay, m. 2nd Mabess Pickens
5(viii). Smith Alonzo Shirley May 6, 1897 Franklin
Co. GA d. Nov 17, 1969 Belton, Anderson Co. SC m. 1st. Franes
Rhetta Rogers born Mar 15, 1903 d. Nov 20, 1952 m. 2nd Sarah
Brown Bates
5(ix). Fred Parker Shirley m. Minnie Lee Segars
5(x). Mamie Shirley Aug 11, 1906 m. Frank Bryant
5(xi). Bessie Shirley Mar 5, 1908 m. Ralph Morgan,
lived Lavonia GA
5(xii). Raymond Shirley Nov 30, 1910 d. July 1, 1952
m. Ruth Cox
5(xiii). Joseph Thomas Shirley June 1, 1912 Belton
Anderson Co. SC d. July 20, 1979 m. Mae Power
5(xiv). Otto Haynie Shirley Sept 21, 1914 d. Jan 8,
1963 m. Esterllen C.
5(xv). Louie Shirley April 24, 1917 d. Dec 14, 1950
buried Shady Grove Cemetery, Anderson Co. SC m. Lucy Mae Compton
5(xvi). Harold Shirley Oct 11, 1920 m. Mary Belle West
Lived in Fayetteville and Autreyville NC
3(iii). Richard Cater Shirley born Feb 10, 1832
SC. He died on 17 Aug 1862 in Chimberanze Hospital in Richmond,
VA., buried in Richmond, VA.[Is this
a duplicate of Smith Shirley' information?] Inventory
recorded 1863 in Anderson Co SC Vol 5 pg 106.
married Lettice Eliz. Erskine born Feb 28, 1835 Anderson
Co. SC, died on 16 Jul 1924 in Anderson Co., SC, buried
in Neals Creek Baptist Church, Anderson Co., SC. She was
his cousin,a widow for 60 years.
4(i). Rebecca Jane Shirley born Aug 29, 1855 Belton,
SC. d. 16 Jul 1932 Franklin Co. GA. m. George Elmore Jacks Dec
2, 1876 born May 17, 1856 d. Nov 5, 1947
4(ii). Thomas Anson Shirley born Feb 28, 1858
in Belton Anderson Co. SC. d. Nov 10, 1942
married Julia A. Clark born May 2, 1864d. July 20,
1943. Buried Belton Cemetery, Anderson Co. SC
5(i). Rufus J. Shirley Dec 22, 1881 Belton, Anderson
Co. SC d. June 12, 1952 not married
5(ii) Ernest R. Shirley Aug 27, 1883 d. July 2, 1952
not married
5(iii). Thomas Shirley 1885 lived in Florida
5(iv). Walter Shirley 1887
5(v). Mattie Shirley
5(vi). Bessie Shirley
5(vii). Fred Shirley May 4, 1892 m. Anna King
5(viii). J. Carter Shirley m. Blanche Shaw
5(ix). Mamie Shirley Oct 10, 1897 d. June 22, 1960
m. Walter T. Brown. He was principal of Starr School for 30 years
5(x). Myrtie Shirley 1899
4(iii). James Newton Shirley born Nov 29, 1860
Belton, Anderson Co. SC d. Sept 18, 1937
married Victoria Elizabeth Smith born Jan 4, 1867 Anderson
Co. SC d. July 5, 1930 daughter of Elijah Lewis Smith and Aamanda
5(i). Bright Chloe Shirley Mar 11, 1886 m. Charles
Luther Cobb
5(ii). Joseph Harris Shirley Nov 3, 1889 m. Eunice
5(iii). Sarah McFall Shirley Mar 8, 1892 m. A. Marvin
5(iv). Amanda Elizabeth Shirley Dec 21, 1896 m. James
Benjamin Hill
5(v). James Clifton Shirley m. 1st Margie Mitchell,
m. 2nd Edna Fay Lee, m. 3rd Mrs Geneva Parks m. 4th Mrs. Hazel
Minyard Davis
5(vi). Newton Colbert Shirley Mar 29, 1904 d. Jan 1.
1931 m. Inez Ridgeway
5(vii). Cecil Clark Shirley m. Kate Teresa Reed
4(iv). Richard Cater Shirley, Jr. Aug 18, 1862 Belton,
Anderson Co. SC d. Aug 16, 1938,
married Nov 17, 1886 Ella Majors born Nov 20, 1865
d. April 3, 1948 daughter of Daniel Newton Majors and Lucy Caroline
5(i). Claude Calhoun Shirley m. Annie May Strickland
5(ii). Frances Margaret Shirley Sept 25, 1890 d. Oct
10, 1951 unmarried
5(iii). Sloan Edward Shirley m. Maude Harris
5(iv). Wilton Carlyle Shirley June 11, 1896 d. Aug
1, 1960 m. Eula Dyer Dec 24, 1940 born May 19, 1910 d. Nov 7,
1953 buried Neal's Creek, Anderson Co. SC
5(v). Kenneth DeWitt Shirley m. Hattie Josephine Pepper
5(vi). Madge Estelle Shirley m. 1st Willie Cowan m.
2nd C.D. Burns m. 3rd Matthew Garret
5(vii). Lucia Gertrude Shirley Jan 18, 1905 unmarried
5(viii). Richard Cater Shirley m. Mattie Daisey __
5(ix). Martha Helen Shirley m. Robert l. Todd
3(iv). John Newton Shirley born Feb 6, 1834 died
on Sept 9, 1924 in DeKalb Co., AL. and was buried in New
Harmony Bapt. Ch. Cem. DeKalb Co., AL.

married Elizabeth "Eliza" Jane Masters
Sept 18, 1860 in DeKalb Co., AL. She was born on 30 Nov 1840
in Anderson, SC. and died on 18 Oct 1901, (daughter of
Geo. Washington Masters and Sarah Burris). She is buried in New
Harmony Baptist Ch. Cem. DeKalb Co. AL.
4(i). William Preston Shirley Born 11 Jun
1861 in Big Wills Valley, Dekalb Co., AL (His death cert says
Nov 11); He was working as a farm laborer in the household of
William Meadows in the DeKalb County 1880 census, age 19. He
lived in the Justice Precinct in Franklin Co Texas in 1900, in
the Diana community of Upshur County Texas in 1910 and 1920;
He was a farmer; He died 29 Jan 1940 in Sulphur Springs, Hopkins
Co., TX. Buried in the Old Tarrant Cemetery.
married 1) Turah Alabama Lawson on 29 Jul 1880, in
Dekalb Co., AL. She was born 10 May 1863 at Center, Cherokee
Co AL, the daughter of John D Lawson and Harriet Ann Poole; She
died on 25 November 1938 in Hopkins Co Texas
married 2) Emma Commel on 20 Apr 1939. Not mentioned
in Press Shirley's death certificate. It says he was widowed,
naming his wife as Tera Lawson Shirley
5(i). Ruben Watson Shirley was born on 26 Nov 1881
in Big Wills Valley, DeKalb, AL; He died on 24 Jul 1956 in Marshall,
Harrison Co., TX. Buried at Colonial Gardens Cemetery.
married to Mattie May Campbell on 22 Jun 1902.
5(ii). Alvis Cain Shirley was born on 13 Sep 1883 in
Big Wills Valley, DeKalb, AL. He died on 3 Jun 1967 in Sulphur
Springs, Hopkins, TX. He was buried on 6 June 1967 in Old Tarrant
Cem., Sulphur Springs, Hopkins, TX.
married to Ida Bell Stout on 24 December 1905 in Upshur
Co Texas; She was born on 3 August 1889, the daughter of John
Marrion Stout and Genona Mae Absher; She died on 26 Feb 1975
in Sulphur Springs, Hopkins, TX. She was buried on 1 Mar 1975
in Old Tarrant Cem., Sulphur Springs, Hopkins, TX.
5(iii). Tera (Tura) Josephine Shirley was born on 17
Aug 1885 in DeKalb Co., AL. She died on 10 Apr 1970 in Kilgore,
Gregg, TX; She was married to Martin VanBuren Collum on 3 Aug
5(iv). John Lee Shirley was born on 6 Jan 1887 in Big
Wills Valley, DeKalb, AL. He
died on 2 Apr 1887. died young
5(v). James Sherman Shirley was born on 3 May 1888
in DeKalb Co., AL. He died on 15 Nov 1959.
married to Della Green on 10 Mar 1905.
5(vi). Maggie May Shirley was born on 19 Apr 1891 in
Big Wills Valley, DeKalb, AL
She died on 4 Jun 1892.
4(ii). Sarah Emaline Shirley Born 18 May 1864
in Big Wills Valley, Dekalb Co., AL and died 19 Apr 1953 in Dekalb
Co., AL. Burial in New Canaan Cem., Dekalb Co., AL.
married John Burns.
4(iii). Warren Reed Shirley born 17 Jun 1867
in Big Wills Valley, Dekalb Co., AL; He lived at Dutton, Jackson
Co., AL in 1900 and the Whiton Community of DeKalb County in
1910; In 1910 and in 1920, his elderly father, then in his 70s
and 80s was living in the household. In 1940, Reed's son Wesley,
wife and three grandchildren Courtney, Max and Helen Shirley
were living in his household. He was 71 at the time. He died
2 Apr 1963 in Jackson Co., AL. Burial in Hillcrest Cem., Boaz,
Marshall Co., AL.
married Melinda Josephine "Josie" Dowdy on
23 Dec 1888.
children: (Thanks to Jerry for the updated info,
Oct 2019)
5(i). Indiana Maude Shirley born 30 Sep 1889 in Whiton,
Dekalb Co., AL. She died 18 Jul 1993 in Albertville, Marshall
Co., AL Burial on 21 Jul 1993 at Hillcrest Cem., Boaz, Marshall
Co., AL. She married Lonnie Boyd Rains 21 Jul 1907 in Asbury,
Marshall County, AL
5(ii). Wesley Newton Shirley born 21 Mar 1891 in Dekalb
County, AL; He died 1 May 1971 at Boaz, Marshall Co. AL. Burial
at Marshall Memory Garden, Albertville, Marshall County, AL.
married Mary Della Treadway
5(iii). Russell McKinley Shirley born 24 Jan 1893 in
Dekalb County, Alabama. Died 4 Jul 1981 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne
Co, Pennsylvania; Burial at Memorial Shrine Cem., Carverton,
married 1) Iva Welborn
married 2) Evelyn Josephine Tingley on 24 May 1940
in Montrose, Susquehanna Co., Pennsylvania
5(iv). Charles Ross Shirley born 28 Feb 1896 in DeKalb
County, Alabama. He died in 1968 in Birmingham, Jefferson Co,
AL. Buried at New Harmony Cem,., DeKalb Co., AL
married Nellie Elrod
5(v). Adelphia Shirley born 13 Jul 1898; died 31 July
1899. Burial at New Harmony Cem., Marshall County, AL
5(vi). Levie Mae Shirley born 13 Mar 1901 in DeKalb
County, AL. Died 2 Apr 2000 in Huntsville, Madison Co., AL. Buried
at New Harmony Cem., DeKalb County, AL. She married Turon Guest
5(vii). Jessie Vera Shirley born 22 Dec 1904 in DeKalb
County, AL Died 29 May 2001 in Winter Haven, Polk County, FL.
Burial on 1 Jun 2001 at Oak Grove Cem., Lake Alfred, Polk Co.,
FL She married James Warner Gamel
5(viii). Garland Boyce Shirley born 22 Mar 1907 in
DeKalb County, AL. Died 10 Nov 1979 in Monroe, Ouachita Parish,
Louisiana, and is buried there at Mulhearn Memorial Park Cem.
married 1) Mary Vertis Galloway
married 2) Edna Brodnax
4(iv). Frank Harrison Shirley Born 21 Aug 1870,
in Dekalb Co., AL; He lived in the Whiton Community near Painter,
in DeKalb Co AL in 1900, 1920, 1930 and 1940; He died 4 August
1959. Buried in New Harmony, Baptist Church Cemetery, Dekalb
Co., AL.
married Sarah R. Delia Hall on 15 February 1894 in
DeKalb Co AL
5(i). Mary Ethel Shirley born about 1895, age 25 in
5(ii). William E Shirley born about 1896, age 6 in
5(iii). Ruth J. Shirley born about 1898, age 2 in 1900
5(iv). Ida E Shirley born about 1900, age 0 in 1900
5(v). Oscar Shirley born about 1903, age 17 in 1920
5(vi). Irby Shirley born about 1906, age 14 in 1920
5(vii). Myrtle M Shirley born about 1907, age 13 in
5(viii). Gladys I Shirley born about 1910, age 10 in
5(ix). James Milford Shirley born about 1912, age 8
in 1920
5(x). Thelma M Shirley born about 1915, age 5 in 1920
4(v). Shula H. Shirley Born 2 Feb 1872,
in Big Wills Valley, Dekalb Co., AL; After he married, they lived
in the Whiton Community in DeKalb Co AL in 1900; He moved to
the Shreveport Louisiana area prior to 1910 when the census shows
him farming in Caddo County, living next to John H Barrett, who
may have been related to his wife; He lived in Shreveport, Caddo
Co LA in 1920 and years afterward; In 1920 his occupation was
a driver of an oil truck; He died in Blanchard, LA on Nov. 14,
1956 and was buried at Blanchard Memorial Cemetery, Caddo Co
married Essie Barrett. She was born Oct. 7, 1874; Died
Jun. 12, 1970; Buried Blanchard Memorial Cemetery.
5(i). John M Shirley, born about 1895 in Alabama, age
25 in 1920
5(ii). Jessie G Shirley, born about 1897 in Alabama,
age 23 in 1920
5(iii). Emma E Shirley, born about 1899 in Alabama,
age 21 in 1920
5(iv). Simion B Shirley born about 1902 in Alabama,
age 18 in 1920
5(v). Joseph Roy Shirley born about 1904 in Alabama,
age 16 in 1920, still living with parents in 1930, age 27
5(vi). D. L. Shirley born 1905; Died 1909; Buried at
Blanchard Memorial Cemetery, Caddo Co LA
5(vii). Raymond Claude Shirley born about 1908 in Louisiana,
age 12 in 1920; still living with parents in 1930, age 23
5(viii). Amanda L Shirley born about 1910 in Louisiana,
age 10 in 1920
5(ix). V. M. Shirley born 1911, died 1911 buried at
Blanchard Memorial Cemetery, Caddo Co LA
5(x). Mandie D (?Beatrice) Sherley born bout 1917 in
Louisiana, age 3 in 1920
4(vi). Marcus Lee Shirley Born 21 May 1874, in
Big Wills Valley, Dekalb Co., Alabama; He was a farmer; He died
in 1965 in Albertville Marshall County Alabama. Burial in New
Harmony, Baptist Church Cemetery., Dekalb Co., AL.
married Laura Clementine Dowdy on 5 January 1893 by
license granted in Marshall County Alabama, daughter of Wesley
Jefferson Dowdy and wife Eliza Jane Holcomb. She died 26 March
1970 at the Boaz Nursing Home, Boaz Marshall Co AL. She was buried
at New Harmony Baptist Church, DeKalb Co AL.
5(i). Wallace Franklin Shirley born 20 March 1895 in
Albertville Marshall Co AL (WWI draft reg says b Feb 20; death
cert says March 20); He moved to Texas and first found work on
the farm of his father-in-law William W. Hawkins in Upshur County
TX; His 1918 WWI draft registration described him as stout with
blue eyes and brown hair. Wallace then lived for most of his
life in Longview Gregg Co TX and owned and operated a grocery
store there. He died at Longview, Gregg County TX on 28 August
1976, age 81, and buried at White Oak Cemetery.
Ancestor of DNA Kit #20031
5(ii). Indiana Josephine Shirley born 31 July 1897
in DeKalb Co AL; She died 30 July 1991, 1 day shy of her 94th
birthday. She was buried at Marshall Memory Gardens located between
Guntersville and Albertville Marshall Co AL
5(iii). Milford Jackson "Jack" Shirley born
14 December 1909; In 1930 he was living in the Whiton community
DeKalb Co AL with his wife Cora and young son Harold. He was
a private first class in the Quartermaster Corps during WWII;
He died 11 December 1955, age 46, and is buried at New Harmony
Baptist Church Cemetery in DeKalb Co AL
4(vii). Oscar Vann Shirley Born 31 Jul 1876 in
Big Wills Valley, Dekalb Co., AL.; Moved to Texas and lived in
the Justice Pct of Wood Co in 1910; He returned to Alabama after
the death of his first wife in 1920, and lived at Jay Bird community,
Marshall Co in 1930; He lived at Lebanon, DeKalb Co in 1940;
He died September 1979 in Marshall Co AL (SSDI); Buried in Union
Cem., Marshall Co., AL. (he may be the "Oliver" Shurley
enumerated in Red River TX in 1920)
married 1) Nora V. Darby; She was born Jul. 22, 1888
and died Jan. 23, 1920; Buried at Avery Cemetery in Red River
Co Texas
married 2) Susie Jane Greer in 1921 in Alabama; She
was born about 1889 in Alabama; Died 5 Jul 1974 in Boaz, Marshall
Co AL, age 85; Daughter of Zacharie Greer and ___Watts
children: (may be other children shown in 1920
5(i). Emma U. Shirley born about 1907, age 3 in 1910
5(i). Herman N Shirley born about 1915 in Texas, age
15 in 1930
5(ii). James L Shirley born about 1918 in Texas, age
12 in 1930
5(iii). Oscar V Shirley Jr born about 1924 in Alabama,
age 6 in 1930
5(iv). Major W Shirley born about 1925 in Tennessee,
age 5 in 1930
5(v). Ida Belle Shirley born about 1926 in Alabama,
age 14 in 1940
5(vi). Charles R Shirley born about 1928 in Alabama,
age 2 in 1930; died before 1940
5(vii). Mimer Jean Shirley born about 1928 in Alabama,
age 12 in 1940
5(iii). Nolan R. Shirley born about 1930 in Alabama,
age 10 in 1940
5(iv). May Shirley born about 1931 in Alabama, age
9 in 1940
5(v). Ruth Shirley born about 1936 in Alabama, age
4 in 1940
4(viii). Jesse David Shirley Born 8 Dec
1878, in Boaz, Marshall Co., AL. They lived in the Whiton community
in 1900; In 1918, he was 40 years old, farming, and living near
Albertville Marshall Co AL; Lived in Corinth, DeKalb County in
1930; Widowed, age 61, living in Corinth, DeKalb County in 1940;
He owned his own farm. He died 9 Jan 1975 near Fyffe, DeKalb
Co AL; Buried in Beulah Baptist Church Cemetery, Albertville
married Frances Lee Thomason by license dated 8 December
1898 in Marshall County AL; She was born about 1880
5(i). Ruby M Shirley born about 1899, age 1 in 1900
5(ii). Nellie Idell Shirley born about 1903 in Alabama,
age 17 in 1920 census; She died 11 March 1965 at Fyffe, DeKalb
Co AL, age 62; She married Willie Portwood
5(iii). Sarah A Shirley born about 1905 in Alabama,
age 15 in 1920 census
5(iv). Lesley C Shirley born about 1909 in Alabama,
age 11 in 1920 census; He was a farmer and living next to his
father in Corinth, DeKalb Co in 1940; Married Eula.
5(v). Lillie B Shirley born about 1912 in Alabama,
age 8 in 1920 census
5(vi). Arthur D. Shirley born about 1917 in Alabama,
age 13 in the 1930 census; newly married and living with his
father in the 1940 census
3(v). Andrew Alfred Shirley April 18, 1836 SC.
He died in Civil War.
3(vi). Rachel Elizabeth Shirley Jan 26, 1838 Anderson
Co. SC, d. Feb 26, 1913, m. Lorenzo Dow Harris Feb 23, 1860 Anderson
Co. SC. He was born Sept 25, 1937 Anderson Co. Sc d. April 5,
1913 Belton, Anderson Co. SC. He was the son of Gillison Harris
and Matilda Smith
3(vii). William C. Shirley 1840 SC, was at home
in 1860, Killed in Civil War
3(viii). Mahala Emaline Shirley Oct 19, 1841 Anderson
Co. SC, m. 1st Robert Campbell m. 2nd Levi W. Jones born June
1, 1846 SC d. June 8, 1905
3(ix). Benjamin Franklin Shirley July 25, 1843,
died Dec 12, 1904 buried Roberts Presbyterian Church Cemetery,
Anderson Co. SC,
married Mary A. Dobbins born Dec 19, 1845 SC, d. Feb
23, 1918 daughter of James and Mary Dobbins
4(i). Sarah Martha Eugenia Shirley Sept 4, 1866 d.
July 7, 1888
4(ii). Rebecca Elizabeth Shirley 1869 m. Rev. Osward
Grogan of Montgomery AL
4(iii). John Allen Shirley 1871, never married
4(iv). Jesse C. Shirley 1872 Robert Community, Anderson
Co. SC d. 1935
married Nora Chamblee died Jan 24, 1961 daughter of
William Taylor Chamblee and Martha Skelton
5(i). James Aaron Shirley 1898 m. Winnie Ashley
5(ii) Melanie Shirley m. Ralph Thompson
5(iii). Julius Franklin Shirley m. Marguerite Chandler
5(iv). Margaret E. Shirley m. Walter Holcomb
5(v). William Adger Shirley m. Frances Massey
5(vi). Mary Katherine Shirley lived in California
5(vii). John Allen Shirley
5(viii). Vera Shirley m. William Mobis lived
in California
5(ix). Nora Shirley m. Ray Cassidy
4(v). Jefferson Shirley born 1875
married Maude Chamblee (sister of Nora) died Jan 7,
5(i). Eugenia Shirley m. Waymon Harbin of Anderson
Co. SC
5(ii). Homer Shirley lived Edgefield, SC
5(iii). Ligon Shirley lived Edgefield, SC
5(iv). Diameade Shirley m. Kieffer Cawley of
Edgefield, SC
4(vi). Julius Backman (Baxter) Shirley born May 12,1877
d. May 15, 1958
married Mallie Lenorah Chamblee Dec 1895 in Anderson
SC born June 11, 1877 Honea Path, Anderson Co. SC d. Jan 24,
1966 buried Silver Brook Cemetery, Anderson Co. SC, daughter
of Robert Thompson Chamblee and Mary Jane Armstrong
5(i). Rebecca Shirley April 8, 1897 d. Jan 19, 1938
m. Warren Bailey
5(ii) Rober Shirley Nov 3, 1898 m. Minnie Cromer
5(iii). Carl Franklin Shirley Aug 3, 1901 d. April
12, 1968 Cynthia KY m. Orpha Coldiron. Parents of one son, Allan
5(iv). Waymon Shirley Oct 9, 1903 m. Ruth Eckler
5(v). Lillian Shirley Dec 17, 1905 m. m. Harry McCarley
of NC
5(vi). Prue D. Shirley April 8, 1907 m. 1st.
Jeran Abraham, 2nd Garnett Breamer of FL
5(vii). Sarah Shirley Jan 25, 1909 m. Paul Craft of
Charlotte NC
5(viii). Bertha Shirley Jan 17, 1911 m. Harold Heaton
5(ix). Fred A. Shirley Feb 28, 1914 m. Jeanett McLees
5(x). Julius Shirley Feb 28, 1915 m. Catherine Rainey
of Tampa FL
5(xi). Alma Shirley Nov 20, 1920 m. Raymond McCown
4(vii). James Anson Shirley May 21, 1883 d. June 16,
1952 He was a merchant.
married Nannie Bolt.
5(i). S. Frank Shirley
5(ii). George C. Shirley
5(iii). Mamie Shirley m. R. T. Church and settled in
Toledo OH
5(iv). Agnis Shirley m. Dean Stone of Maryville, TN
5(v). Margie Ruth Shirley, spinister
4(viii). Robert Ligon Shirley 1891 d. Oct 15,
1966 Edgefield SC. He was a bachelor.
3(x). Anson M. Shirley 1846 SC, living in 1850
census, died young.
3(xi). Robert Allen Shirley July 25, 1848, died
Dec 15, 1923
married Matilda Jane Jones daughter of Wilson and Judith
4(i). Charles Crayton Shirley born Mar 26, 1871 Anderson
Co. SC
married Bessie Lois Moore born Mar 23, 1873; She died Sept
29, 1938 Buried Silver Creek Cemetery, Anderson Co. SC

Charles Crayton Shirley family
(Charles C Shirley seated left; but needs further identifications)
Thanks to Eddie Brown for sending this photo
children: (source: bible
5(i). Waymon Ellis Shirley born 15 April 1895; He married
Roy Ophelia Wiliams
5(ii). Ruth Mae Shirley born June 17, 1897; She married
Otis Darby Drake Mar 1, 1934
5(iii). Robert Laylon Shirley born 20 January 1899;
He married Guissie Dora Poor
5(iv). Cora Iola Shirley born 18 March 1901; She married
1st. John Luther Freeman, m. 2nd Cecil George Trim
5(v). Allie Carrie Shirley born 7 February 1903; She
married Dewey Lee Poore
5(vi). Mamie Lula Shirley born 29 January 1905; She
married Fred Van Fowler
5(vii). William Grady Shirley born 22 March 1907; He
married Lillie Mae Adams
5(viii). Charles Ansel Shirley born 10 March 1909;
He married Donnie Mae Waters
5(ix). James Bennett Shirley born 22 December 1911;
He married Venice Lee Whitt
5(x). Aaron Leroy Shirley born 10 July 1914; He married
Annie Louise Greer
5(xi). Lilia Palmira Shirley born 21 November 1917;
She married Frank Thomas Stone
4(ii). Ida J. Shirley
4(iii). John Palmer Shirley May 23, 1875 Anderson Co.
SC d. Jan 29, 1964 Charlotte, NC
married 1) Della May Kay Feb 4, 1900 born Oct 1, 1882 died
Feb 4, 1916, daughter of Ollie J. Kay,
married 2) Mary Ann Madden Aug 7, 1920 born Mar 21, 1891 d.
Sept 27, 1962 daughter of Kaye Madden and Josephine Hall
5(i). Jannie Lee Shirley m. 1st. Pickens Whitaker m.
2nd Floyd P. Latham
5(ii). Carol Aubrey Shirley April 19, 1904 d. Feb 14,
5(iii). Dennis Harold Shirley May 11, 1906
5(iv). Wilma Mae Shirley m. Carl Eugene Shore
5(v). Eunice Ethel Shirley m. Daniel Philip Lefler
4(iv). Zoie Shirley
4(v). William Roswell Shirley Aug 27, 1879 Anderson
Co. SC d. June 4, 1952
married Lida Webb died Nov 19, 1954 daughter of Charles
Webb and Emily Holt
5(i). Gilbert Shirley
5(ii). C. Alvis Shirley
5(iii). Elma Shirley
5(iv). daughter Shirley m. Edward Addis
5(v). daughter Shirley m. Linde D. Clement
4(vi). N. Allie Shirley Feb 24, 1881 Anderson Co. SC
d. Jan 19, 1952 m. Charles D. Woodson
4(vii). James Wilson Shirley June 12, 1883 d. Mar 12,
married Minnie Arlecy Smith born Aug 14, 1887 Banks
Co. GA d. June 5, 1956 daughter of John S. Smith and Nancy Smith.
5(i). Ruby Irene Shirley May 10, 1911 Sc m. George
Boyce Drennon July 28, 1928
5(ii). James Lewis Shirley m. Mattie Lou Stewart
5(iii). Wilma Minerva Shirley May 1, 1915 d. Nov 28,
1962 unmarried
5(iv). Jack William Shirley July 30, 1921 d. 1968 unmarried
5(v). Blanche Elizabeth Shirley May 26, 1923
4(viii). Clinton Eugene Shirley 1885 Anderson Co. SC
d. July 3, 1953 (heart attack)
married Hattie Quarrells born Feb 9, 1890 d. Feb 22,
1944 Buried Silver Brook Cemetery, Anderson Co. SC
5(i). Clyda Mae Shirley born about 1909, age 21 in
1930 census
5(ii). Colie Shirley born about 1913, age 17 in 1930
5(iii). Ella Shirley born about 1915, age 15 in 1930
5(iv). Frank Shirley born about 1922, age 8 in 1930
4(ix). Amanda Shirley 1890 d. 1961 buried New Silverbrook
Cemetery, Anderson Co. SC m. Lloyd Haskell of Donalds, SC d.
3(xii). Helen Shirley July 25, 1851, died
Mar 13, 1926, m. Wm. B. McDaniel
3(xiii). Sarah C. Shirley July 9, 1852, died
Oct 2, 1927, m. Joseph N. Wilson