2(i). Dickinson Shirley born
about 1796 in Scott Co. KY; Identified as a child of Ezekiel
Shirley in a biography of the Shirley family published in 1895.
He first appears in records in the 1826 tax list for Scott County
Kentucky, taxed on 1 male over the age of 21. He was enumerated
in Hendricks Co IN in 1830 census, but was apparently skipped
in the 1840 census. He was age 54, enumerated at Brown Township
in the 1850 census for Hendricks Co Indiana; He was alive at
the time of the 1860 Hendricks Co tax assessment, but not found
in the census of that year. Not found in the 1870 census.
married Elizabeth Hamrick.
3(i). Caleb Shirley July 17, 1817 KY d. 1876 Harrison,
Boone Co. IN
"Dickinson Shirley, married Elizabeth Hamrick and reared
a family of children, among whom was Caleb Shirley, father of
the immediate subject of this mention, whose birth occurred in
Scott county, Ky., on the seventeenth day of July, 1817.Caleb
Shirley, father of the immediate subject of this mention, whose
birth occurred in Scott county, Ky., on the seventeenth day of
July, 1817, Caleb, when a lad, moved with his parents to Hendricks
county, Ind., where he grew to manhood; subsequently he moved
to Boone county. Ind., married Mary (Dale) McReynolds July 17,
1837, and located in Perry township, where he resided until his
removal, in 1840, to the township of Harrison. Like his ancestors
before him, Caleb Shirley was a tiller of the soil, and on coming
to Indiana purchased land in Harrison township, making a fine
farm, consisting of 160 acres, where he passed the remaining
years of his life, dying on the twenty-second day of March. 1876.
His wife, who had been a faithful companion and true helpmate
for a number or years, preceded her husband to the silent land,
having departed this life March 13. 1859. To Caleb and Mary Shirley
were born ten children, whose names are as follows: James W.,
whose name introduces this sketch; Matthew E., Henry S. , Jarrett
S., Emily E., wi£e of W. F. Proctor, now deceased; Eliza
and Malinda, twins, the latter deceased; William S., deceased;
Jessie B., and Mary, wife of B. T. Bell. For generations the
Shirleys were Baptists, and of that church Caleb and his good
wife were devout members. Mr. Shirley was a man of exemplary
habits, a model eitizen, and in every walk of life endeavored
to adorn his christian profession by living up to the pure teachings
of his church. Mrs. Mary Shirley was a native of Tennessee and
daughter of Squire and Elizabeth Dale, who were born in the same
state, the desendants of old and eminently respected pioneer
families. When eighteen years of age, : Mary was united in marriage
to Samuel McReynolds. a farmer of Putnam county, Ind , by whom
she had two children: Marion, deceased, and Samuel, who resides
at this time in the state of Kansas. Her marriage to Caleb Shirley
was solemnized on the sixteenth day of July, 1837. Squire Dale
was one of twelve children that grew to years of maturity, and
he served, with distinction, in the last war with Great Britain.
He was a man of many noble traits of character, and died at the
age of fifty-five, leaving, as a precious heritage to his children,
a name singularly free from the slightest taint of anything questionable
or dishonorable, His wife, a most excellent woman, bright and
intelligent beyond the ordinary, remained true to her husband's
memory, and died after a widowhood of over thirty years..."
A portrait and biographical record of Boone, Clinton and Hendricks
Counties, Ind
m. 1st Mary (Dale) McReynolds July 17, 1837 Boone Co. IN,
daughter of Squire and Elizabeth Dale,
m. 2nd Elizabeth Kenady July 1859
4(i). James W. Shirley April 18, 1838 Boone Co. IN
JAMES W SHIRLEY Change is constant and general. Generations
rise and pass unmarked away, and it is a duty to posterity, as
well as a present gratification, to place upon the printed page
a true record of the lives of those sterling men who have done
so much toward establishing and making permanent the present
advanced state of civilization enjoyed by the great commonwealth
of Indiana. The name of Shirley has been pre-eminently identified
with the history of Boone county for years, and it is with much
satisfaction that the leading facts in" the life of one
of the most worthy members of the family are herewith presented
to the readers of this volume, James W. Sliirley is descended,
paternally, from English ancestry, and traces his ancestry back
to his great-great-grandfather, James Shirley, who came to the
United States in ante-revolutionary times, and settled in Virginia,
where he reared a family and became a planter of large means
and a man of much more than local prominence. He died in the
state of his adoption, and subsequently his son Ezekiel, great-grandfather
of the subject of this sketch, with other members of the famil
emigrated to Scott county, Ky. , locating not far from Georgetown.
Ezekiel Shirley, at the early age of seventeen years, married
Dulcina Shirley, a distant relative of about the same age, and
reared a family of seven children, nearly all of whom lived to
the age of maturity and became the heads of families; but all
of whom, excepting James, have long since passed from the scenes
of their earthly labors.
A son of the foregoing, Dickinson Shirley, married Elizabeth
Hamrick and reared a family of children, among whom was J. W.
Shirley, whose name opens this biography, is a native son of
Boone county, and date his birth from the eighteenth day of April,
1838. His educational training, like-that of the majority of
country lads, was obtained in the old-fashioned log school-house
common to the pioneer period of Indiana; and until his eighteenth
year he assisted his father on the farm, thereby learning lessons
of industry that iproved so valuable to him in subsequent life.
Having selected agriculture as his vocation, he began the same
upon his own responsbility, at an early age, on the home farm,
and in 1855 took unto himself a helpmate in the person of Sarah
Bright, to whom he was united in marriage on March 25, of that
year. In the mean time, he left the family homestead and bought
a part of the place he now owns, in Harrison township, his first
purchase consisting of forty acres, to which additions were made
at intervals, until eventually he became the possessor 120 acres,
a fine farm upon which he now resides. Mrs. Shirley was born
March 22, 1830, the daughter of William R. and Annis (Henderson")
Bright, and has borne her husband the following children: Jasper
N., William H. (deceased), Rosella 'deceased). Caleb E., John
L. (deceased,, James M., Theodosia E. and an infant son (deceased).
Mr. Shirley has ever been noted as a warm-hearted, broad-minded
man. upright in all his dealings, and a true lover of humanity,
to the interests of which the best energies of his life have
been nobly devoted. Reared a Baptist, he has never departed from
the faith, and his religious experience dates from his fourteenth
year, at which time he was converted and became a member of the
old Mt. Tabor church. Later he took membership with the Mt. Union
church, with which he has been identified since 1862, and in
1864 jielded to an inclination of long standing, by entering
upon the active work of the ministry. He was formally ordained
to the sacred calling in that year, and at once became pastor
of the Mt. Union church, the duties of which relation, with the
exception of one year, he nobly discharged until 1893; his pastorate
covering a period of twenty-eight years of active service. He
still preaches for neighboring churches, and with a spirit of
true consecration, expects to devote the remaining years of his
life to the noble work, which in bis hands has been so greatly
blessed in leading many to abandon the ways of sin, and seek
the true way leading to peace and happiness here and pointing
to a more blessed inheritance hereafter. He has also preached
in the states of Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Iowa and Ohio. He
has (he believes) traveled more miles and preached more sermons,
than any minister in Boone county, living or dead. His politics,
like his religious belief, Mr. Shirley has never changed, and
in the former he has been and remains a life-long democrat. At
one time he held the office of justice of the peace of his township,
aside from which he has never been called to till official positon.
Thus, briefly, is epitomized the life work of one of Boone county's
most reputable citizens, and it is the wish of bis many friends
that many years may yet be spared him in which to accomplish
still more good in the cause to which his life has teen consecrated..."
A portrait and biographical record of Boone, Clinton and Hendricks
Counties, Ind
m. Sarah Bright Mar 25, 1855. She was the daughter of William
R. and Annis Henderson Bright.
5(i). Jasper N. Shirley
5(ii). William Shirley
5(iii). James M. Shirley
5(iv). Theodosia E. Shirley
5(v). infant Shirley son, died young
4(ii). Mathew E. Shirley 1840
m. Ann Weekly
4(iii). Henry E. Shirley 1842
m. Mary ___?
4(iv). Jarret S. Shirley June 21, 1845
JARRETT S. SHIRLEY Among the substantial farmers of
Boone county is the subject of this sketch, his farm being pleasantly
situated within two miles of the court house. He was born on
his father's farm in Harrison township, Boone county, June 21,
1845. and descends from the pioneer Baptist family of that name.
(See sketch of Rev. James W. Shirley. Jarrett S. Shirley received
a common education, became a farmer, and married, at the age
of twenty-three years, March 2 1866, Harriet J., daughter of
David and Katurah (Proctor) Hedge. Katurah Hedge was the daughter
of James B. and Elizabeth Proctor, and was born near Lexington,
Ky. After marriage Jarrett S. Shirley settled in Hendricks county
on a farm, remained there one year, and since that time has been
a resident of Boone county. In 1870 he bought a farm in Center
township, this county, on which he lived for ten years. He then
bought seventy-two acres of land in Harrison townsnip, in 1880,
on which he lived until 1886, when he sold this property and
bought the Hedge homestead, on which he now resides. This fine
farm consists of I 10 acres of fertile land which is in a high
state of cultivation and is well drained and improved. Mr. and
Mrs. Shirley are the parents of three children Ettie V.
(deceased an infant), Lora T. (deceased) and Claude V. The Shirley
family are noted for industry, for their excellent moral habits
and strong religious principles. Jarrett S. our subject, is no
exception to the rule. He is a self-made man, and, assisted by
his faithful wife, has accumulated a competency. He and wife
are members of the Christian church, and in politics he is a
democrat. A portrait and biographical record of Boone, Clinton
and Hendricks Counties, Ind
m. Harriet Hedge
5(i). Ettie V. Shirley
5(ii). Lora T. Shirley
"...The death of Lora T. Shirley was as sad as it was
tragic: he had been fishing off the coast of Oregon, on the Pacific
Ocean, abouf six miles south of Nastucca bay, in company with
his uncle, C. E. Hedge, on the seventh of August, 1894, and while
driving homeward they were overtaken by the incoming tide, and
so Lora T. lost his young life. The corpse was embalmed and brought
to Lebanon, where it was interred in the "Old Union"
cemetery, Wednesday, August 22. He left a wife, Etta, daughter
of Amos Huston, and a child, Mortimer J., six months old. Lora
T. attended the high school at Lebanon, and the normal school
at Valparaiso, Ind., from which he graduated in 1891, and later
taught school in this county, and afterwards became a merchant
in Oregon..."A portrait and biographical record of Boone,
Clinton and Hendricks Counties, Ind
5(iii). Claude V. Shirley
4(v). Emily E. Shirley 1847 m. William F. Proctor
4(vi). Eliza Shirley 1849
4(vii). Malinda Shirley 1849 (twins)
4(viii). William S. Shirley
4(ix). Jesse B. Shirley 1852
married B. T. Bell
3(ii). Ezekiel Shirley 1822 Scott Co. KY
married Juliann Dale Mar 12, 1842
4(i). Elizabeth A. Shirley 1843
4(ii). Melvina P. Shirley 1848
4(iii). William A. Shirley born about 1848 in Boone
Co IN; He was a member of the Salem Church, near Lebanon; he
died 1939 at age 90 in Boone Co IN; Buried at Old Union cemetery.
WILLIAM SHIRLEY DIES AT 90 YEARS February 15, 1939 Services
at Milledgeville church Friday. William A. Shirley, age ninety
years, a life long resident of Boone County, passed away this
morning at 5:20 0'clock at the home of a grandson, Ray Turner,
near Milledgeville. He had been in failing health the past two
years and his death was caused by a complication of diseases.
Mr Shirley was born in Boone County, a son of Ezekiel and Julia
Ann Dale, pioneer residents. He was one of triplets, the others
being Mrs Vina Neal and the sister that died in infancy. He was
married December 9, 1869, to Sarah Rebecca Vidito who died May
23, 1932. He was a member of Salem church, three miles south
of Lebanon. Survivors are a sister, Mrs Mary Cox of Lebanon;
two grandchildren, Ray Turner and Mrs Zora Martin of Lebanon;
and five great-grandchildren, Donald, Byron and Betty Turner
and Rosemary and alberta Martin. Two children , R'Menta Turner
and Nora Alice Huffman; a brother, George Shirley, and three
sisters, including the triplet sisters and Mrs Elizabeth Swope,
are deceased. Funeral services will be held Friday norning at
the Christian Church in Milledgeville. Buriel will be in Old
Union. The body will be at the Bratton Brothers funeral home
where friends may call until time to go the funeral services
married Sarah Rebecca Vidator 9 December 1869; She died 23
May 1932
4(iv). George C. Shirley 1851
married Mary Clemments 1871
4(v). Henry Shirley 1852
4(vi). Mary Jane Shirley 1854
3(iii). Jesse B. Shirley 1831 Boone Co. IN
married 1st Mary Etherington 1854,
married 2nd Sarah E. ___?
4(i). Margaret E. Shirley 1858 m. Thomas L. Roberts
4(ii). Clinton Shirley 1861
4(iii). Fielding T. Shirley
married 1st Mary A. Belt, m. 2nd. Mary Huffman
4(iv). Henry E. Shirley 1867
married Mary B. Long
4(v). Harriett A. Shirley 1870
4(vi). Levi Elmer Shirley 1877

Levi Elmer Shirley
Lillie Harper Shirley
married Lillie A Harper in 1905. She was born 1881
5(i). Hazel Jane Shirley 1908 m George Klingler
5(ii). Clifford Shirley 1909 in Montgomery County,
IN; died 1994 in Boone County IN
married Eula Fay Smith in 1932; she was born 1914; died 1999,
they lived in Boone Co IN all of their lives.
6(i). Joy May Shirley
6(ii). Harold Wayne Shirley
3(iv). Benjamin Shirley
3(v). Lydia C. Shirley born about 1834 IN; age 16 in
the 1850 Hendricks Co IN census
3(vi). Lousia Shirley born about 1838 IN; age 12 in
the 1850 Hendricks Co IN census