Obediah Shirley was born Aug 29, 1804 died Feb 18, 1889 Honea Path, South Carolina and buried in the Presbyterian Cemetery. He married Jennie Armstrong Mar 18, 1824.
Jennie was the daughter of John Armstrong and Isabella Bryson. They settled in Honea Path in Anderson Co. SC. John received a Royal land grant Mar 2, 1764.
The house Obediah and Jennie built is still standing and is located one-half mile west of Honea Path. They along with others from Barkers Creek, Broadmouth and Big Creek Baptist Church organized the First Baptist Church of Honea Path during the year 1869 with 19 charter members. Obediah was one of the first deacons. He was a farmer and a large landowner and was known to give liberally to the church and to Christian education. He hauled cotton to Hamburg (now Augusta) which was the largest market.
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