Shirley News
and Notices Blog
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Seeking Next
President/Leader of the Shirley Association
1. Preferably a resident
of England/Ireland (it's time for an English/Irish-led Association)
2. The new person/committee
must have a demonstrated long term interest in genealogy, particularly
of the Shirley surname
3. It's probably time
for a more "social" Shirley Association "clan"
operation. I'm a pure research-nerd. Time for a change in direction
after 17 years.
Note: I can hang around
as a volunteer to assist the next president, run the website,
assist with family lineage queries if so desired. Easy peasy.
Contact me if interested
18 November 2024
I employed the Familysearch AI to transcribe
a few new wills. Posted to the Hertfordshire
England page in the archive.
1754 Archdeaconry of St Albans
- Original Will 127 HW 11 - In the Name of God Amen I
Joan Shurly of Barkhamsted Saint Peter in the County of Hertford
Inn holder being advanced in years yet being of sound and
disposing mind memory and understanding through the Mercy of
God do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner
and form following First and principally I I resign my soul into
the hands of allmighty God that gave it and my Body I desire
may be decently Buried at the Decretion of my Executors herein
after named and as to Such Temporal Estate it Shall please God
to Bless me with in this Life I give Devise and dispose of as
follows I give and bequeath unto John Warner of Berkhamsted aforesaid
Barber the sum of Ten pounds of good and Lawfull of Great Britain
to be paid him within twelve months next after my Decease But
if it shall so happen that the said John Warner shall Dye before
the said Legacy shall become due or payable that then and in
such case I give Will and bequeath the said Legacy or sum of
Ten pounds unto his son Thomas Warner or to his Heirs and assigns
I also give and bequeath unto unto my Nephew George Eggleston
of Honey Lane Market London Victular the Sum of Ten pounds of
like Lawfull Money of Great Britain to be paid him within twelve
months next after my Decease I also give and bequeath unto my
maid Servant that shall be living with me at the time of my Decease
my wearing apparel of all sorts whatsoever all the rest residue
and remainder of my Estate real and personal I give unto my Loving
son in Law Francis Shirly son of my late Husband Francis Shurly
Deceased and to Joshua Lupt Servant to my Maltman Thomas
Bray to be Divided between them share and share alike the payment
of the above said Legacy of ten pounds each to the said John
Warner and George Eggleston and all my just Debts and Funeral
Expences and lastly I do appoint the said Francis Shanley
and Joshua Lover Joint Executors of this my last Will and
Testament contained in one sheet of paper revoking all other
Wills 5 by me heretofore made I witness whereof I have hereunto
sett my hand and seal the one and twenty day of August in the
year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty four (the
mark of) Joan Shurley; Wit W Johnson, Margt Johnson, Thos Wilkinson;
Proven 12 May 1760
1762 Archdeaconry of St Albans
- Original Will - In the Name of God Amen the fifteenth day of
May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty
two I ffrancis Shurley of Berkhamsted Saint Peter in the County
of Hertford Innholder being of sound mind and memory ( praised
be God ) and considering the uncertainty of this Life do make
and ordain this my last will and Testament as follows principally
I commend my Soul to God and my Body to the Earth to be Decently
interred at the Discretion of my Executrix herein after named
and as to the temporal Estate which it hath pleased God to bless
me with I give and dispose of the same as follows that is to
say ) I Give will and bequeath unto my loving Wife Hannah
Shurley All and Singular my Goods and Chattels ready Money
Stock , Rights and Credits and all other mypersonal Estate whatsoever
or wheresoever or of what Nature sort or kind soever the same
be the paying thereout my just debts and funeral Expences and
also the sum of ten pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain which
I do give and bequeath unto my loving Sister Elizabeth Shurley
to be paid to her within twelve months next after my Decease
in case I shall leave no child then living but not otherwise
and I do make nominate constitute and appoint my said loving
wife Hannah Shirley sole accounting of this my last Will and
Testament . hereby revoking all former Wills by me at any time
heretofore made and I do declare and publish this to be my last
Will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my
Hand and Seal the day and year first above written . <s>
Francis Shurley Signed sealed published and declared by the said
Testator Francis Shirley as and for his last Will and Testament
in the presence of us who in the presence of each other have
Subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto in the presence of
the said Testator Thos Wilkinson Jr, [ ]son; Proved 11 July 1764
1799 Archdeaconry of St Albans
- Original Will 248 AW 10 - In the Name of God Amen I
Henry Shirley of the Parish of Abbotts Langley in the County
of Herts being of sound mind & memory do make & this
my my last Will and Testament in manner and form following Imprimis
I give and bequeath to my Brother John Shirley of Abbot Langley
aforesaid all that Freehold Messuage or Cottage with ye yards
Gardens & apurtenances thereunto belonging lying and being
in the Parish of St Michael in the Town of St Albans in ye
County of Herts whom in for for his own in & purposes
in and bequeath to my said Brother the sum of Fifty Pounds of
lawful money of Great Britain likewise give to my Brother
Francis the sum of Thirty Pounds of lawful Money of Great
Britain ? I likewin give & bequeath unto my sister Lucy
Rame of sum of twenty poundof lawful money of Great Britain.
I likewise give and bequeath to my nephew Joseph Shirley
the sum of 30 pounds of lawful money of GB. I likewise give and
bequeath unto my niece Elizabeth Kingham the sum of 30
pounds of lawful money of GB. And I likewise order and this my
will that whatever property of whatsoever kind it may be that
shal or may remain ater paying of aforesaid legacies funeral
expenses etc shall be shared equally among the aforesaid legatiees
share and share alike. But if it should happen that after paying
the aforesaaid legacies there be not sufficient property to defray
of funeral expenses etc then the aforesaid leatees to pay such
expenses share and share alike. And I hereby nominate and appoint
my said brother John Shirley my whole & sole Executor
this my last will and testament given under my hand this
twenty first day of November in the year of our lord one thousand
seven hundred and ninety-nine. (the mark of) Henry Shirley Wit:
Susanna Spring, William Dickinson, Thos Hawkes; Proved 18 September
1813 Archdeaconry of St Albans
- Original Will 250 AW 5 - This is the last Will and
Testament of me John Shirley of Abbots Langley in the County
of Hertford flour dresser being of sound and disposing Mind
, Memory and understanding I give unto my Brother Francis
Shirley Twenty Pound and as to the rest and remainder of
my property after paying my just debts , Funeral Expences and
Expences of carrying into execution this my last Will and Testament
and five pounds which I give to my Executor for the trouble he
may be at in executing this my Will . I give and bequeath unto
Nephew Joseph Shirley my niece Mary Rance my neice Elizabeth
Kingham my niece Rose Rance , my grand Nephew John Shirley my
Grand Niece Maria Shirley my Grand niece Rose Dickinson my
God daughter and Niece Lucy Shirley to be divided equally
among them share & share alike and I do hereby nominate and
appoint Thomas Hawkes of Abbots Langely aforesaid sole Executor
of this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said
- John Shirley have to this my last Will and Testament set my
hand and seal this Twenty fourth day of May in the year of our
Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirteen <s> John Shirley
Wit: Thomas Hawkes, Mary Roadright; Proven 15 November 1814
17 September 2024
HERE - Just to let you
know, I'm still here answering Shirley research queries from
emailers. I also periodically find little research items that
I post to various parts of the website. In the past I would also
post them here as a head's-up, but single items (which is all
I basically find these days) are rarely earth shattering and
genealogy wall-breaking. In fact, they never are these days.
If something important comes along, I'll definitely post it here
I also continue to update and
renovate various old Shirley lineages posted in the Non-Member's
section of the website. We have 100s of Shirley lineages to manage.
So it's a big effort, taking years.
In the meantime, continue to
send your Shirley research queries using my email address found
in "Contact Information" above (or at the bottom of
every page)
ps. Our Shirley website webhost
recently jacked our renewal price, so I moved this entire website
to a different host - but that was a big mistake - immediately
cancelled and returned to the old webhost, and paid their higher
price. The process was miserable and took days upon days. One
thing is clear. This entire website of 14,000 files needs a deep
clean of 25 years of accumulated junk, loads of orphaned files,
unused patches and fixes, unused database program folders etc.
Year's worth of postings are now moved to the member's section
- currently unavailable to view, sorry. We are still trying to
figure our long term strategy, what to do, etc.
the archived postings>>